Chapter 16

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I knew that I wanted this

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I knew that I wanted this . And the moment I gave him consent he looked at me the same way as he did at our wedding,  filled with promise , a promise to protect me , a promise to cherish me and a promise to love me.

His soft lips started peppering my face with kisses , every hot breath of his that followed with his kisses making my thighs clench which need and filling me with desire .

While kissing he whispered " You don't know how long I've waited for this "  as he continued with his slow exploration of my body. The way he praises me and gives validation to me makes me want to kiss him more and more.

He groaned as I nipped his neck while he was busy roaming his hands all over my body. He slowly unzipped my dress as I unbuttoned his shirt , while opening  he ran his fingertips along my spine raising the heat in my core.

As if unconsciously, I slowly began to grind towards him making him moan . And God it feels so good .

He got derailed from his exploration of my body as he now undressed me throwing my dress far away and unfastening my bra slowly kissing my collarbone and then the top of my breast , as if he was holding his breath for a long time , he exhaled letting his warm breath on my nipples instantly hardening them and a shiver to warm my entire being .

His eyes looked at me , the friendly green was now misty with an emotion so foreign to me.  Without wasting anymore time he quickly let his warm mouth encircling my hardened peak , while massaging the other one.

He seemed lost. In my eyes.


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FUCK MY LIFE. My little kitten seemed to love the attention that I was giving her breasts as she exhaled loudly whenever I sucked the life out of them . And God I can't stop. I let my tongue wander from her breast to now slowly her center , where only  a thin piece of lace seemed to keep me away from tasting my kitten.

A quick tearing of the lace made her gasp as she looked from my eyes to her centre which was now bare glistening in need , in arousal waiting for my touch it seems.

Her innocent brown doe eyes were now hooded in need , a need for release . Don't  worry darling I'll give you so much more.

Quickly settling myself between her juicy thighs I looked her as she blushed . My naughty kitten .

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