Chapter 6

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The wellingtons were on their way back to New York with their new bride

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The wellingtons were on their way back to New York with their new bride.The newly wed couple stayed quiet , as there was a slight sense of disagreement between them .


" Jake she needs her cat " her father explained.

" No , she doesn't and this cat doesn't even like me". His anger fumed as he stared into luna's eyes who made herself comfortable in Alaya's arms.

" It's only a matter of time , she'll warm up to you ".

" Yeah , she will by pissing on my goddamn shoes " he hissed in a loud voice. Somehow scaring her.

Her eyes watered as she looked at him petting her emotional support cat , who now hissed at him for making her owner cry .

" Okay , I'll see what I can do but no promises ".

Flashback ends -

The cat meowed in her owner's arms , who was now sleeping on her seat while cuddling her close . She looked at Jake as if she had won the war.

" You just wait and see cat. I'll throw you out of my house if you ever try to piss on my shoes again ." He whispered in a warning tone while caressing Alaya's cheek , who was now in a deep slumber ; he looked at the cat who stared at him while wagging her tail lazily almost in a challenge.

He covered Alaya with a blanket as she slept. He continued to work as he kept a check on her in regular intervals , only to find that snowy cat sleeping as well.

The plane soon landed . They were now in the estate of the Wellingtons.

While their commute from the airport to the estate , Alaya stared outside looking at the busy streets and city lights that stretched the streets of New York.

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