Chapter 1

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" PLEASE, I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING " , the pathetic excuse of of a man begs to me as I slam another nail to his hand using a hammer, blood pours out of his hands as he cries

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" PLEASE, I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING " , the pathetic excuse of of a man begs to me as I slam another nail to his hand using a hammer, blood pours out of his hands as he cries. God I love this feeling.

" Don't try to deceive me, you rat I know you passed the information about the latest shipment to the Russians ". I slammed another nail to his other hand, his cries fills the dungeon as I stand up from my chair. Such a waste of time.

I squeezed his jaw as I looked at him straight in the eye " You know what rat, you shouldn't have fucking crossed me, cause if it is something that I hate with utmost passion is lies, I would've given you a less painful death if you confessed but since you chose the hard way I have to do this". The rat's filled with fear. A huh I always feel estatic when I see this. A fear in people's eyes from me.

" ALEX" I roared, my second in command who made his way to me, I quickly whispered to him , he nodded in agreement as I made my way outside throwing my jacket over my shoulders.


" DON, PLEASE DON'T DO THIS PLEASE " . His cries soon increased in volume , I smirked as I made my way upstairs to the mansion from the dungeons.

After, reaching my room and removing the clothes, I went to take a shower to clean that rat's blood off me.

My phone buzzed as I wrapped the towel around my stomach and went to see who was calling. It was my dad. I was really missing him and maa for a while. I smiled as I picked up the call.

" Hey dad, what's up? "

" Hey, son how are you ? "

" I'm fine, how's mom? "

" Mom's fine , son I need to tell you something ". I sensed a hint of tension in his voice.

" Okay " .

" We're going to India and we are leaving tonight ".

" Why? "

" For your wedding with the Indian mafia princess ".and hell broke loose.

Painting is my second love, well it was first until I got luna , I was about to pour some paint on the the palette when a meow made me stop

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Painting is my second love, well it was first until I got luna , I was about to pour some paint on the the palette when a meow made me stop.

It was luna. My cat, she's an emotional support pet and my parents got her after the accident, the mere thought of that night makes me want pet her more.

I quickly put her up in my arms as she made herself comfortable , I huffed maybe today's not the day to paint.

Some loud noises were coming from downstairs my attention went from luna to that very quickly. I found my self down stairs in no time. After putting luna down she went her way as I went close to them.

" How could you do this Sunil, she's our only daughter and you're giving her up to the hands of the devil himself " My mother, sobbed onto her palms, my father tried to console her. I was getting confused by the minute. What was happening?

( A/N: please note that the itallic is what the characters are thinking inside and the bold itallic are the conversation in sign language).

My mother's eyes lifted from her palms as she sobbed harder into dad's chest. Dad's eyes also didn't held the usual love and adoration rather guilt?

" What happened dad, why's mom crying? "

" Sweetheart, we need to tell you something. "His hands shook a bit while he was signing. What was so wrong?

He and mom gestured me to sit, but my nerves weren't getting the best out of me, my fingers started fidgeting as I waited for one of them to proceed.

My mother suddenly took me in her arms alarming me, but I soon settled nestled in her warm embrace, I loved their hugs when I was little I couldn't sleep without them.

They held my hands and rubbed soothingly as they looked at each other.

"Sweetheart, you know we love you right? " He said I nodded.

" And that we would never do anything that isn't God for you? " I nodded again.

" I already know all these things dad, what about it, is something bothering you , are we in trouble? " I signed. I knew my dad was the Indian don, but me and my parents both decided it would be better for me to stay out of it.

" Sweety, you know your father went to America a few days back? " I nodded.

" I went there to ask for help, sweetheart ".

" What kind of help dad? ".

" I asked the American godfather to provide you safety from our enemies but... "A frown settled on his face as he contemplated to speak the rest of the sentence.

" But what? "

" But in exchange you'll have to get married to godfathers son, the American don in two days "...


Hey guys, after a while I'm finally starting a new book and this is it's first chapter, don't forget to like and please forgive small grammatical errors

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Hey guys, after a while I'm finally starting a new book and this is it's first chapter, don't forget to like and please forgive small grammatical errors.

Spread love not hate ❤

Don't hesitate to comment and tell me what you want to read in the next chapter and what more do you expect.....

Instagram id @ sanchitamaji _04.

Until the next chapter bye 😘.

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