A picture and Cold

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Hope POV

I sat between Payton and Harry, and across from Brandon for about an hour, talking about random things. "Hey," Payton nudges me in the ribs,

 "Harry wouldn't stop, no, actually I mean hasn't stopped, drooling over you in your pajamas!" We all laughed a while longer, and then I saw Liam pick up a sleeping Faith. "Well, that's my cue!" I say, then say goodbye and follow them out. We go back to the dorm, and Liam sets Faith down on her bed, "See ya tomorrow, Hope!!" He says, as he shuts the door behind him.

Faith POV

I wake up at 5:00 in my bed. The last thing I remember is Liam picking me up. I grab my phone and see I have a text from Hope. She sent it at around midnight. It is a picture of Liam carrying me, I'm soundly asleep. "You two are so cute!" It reads. I save the photo. I get up and get ready. It is about 5:30 now. I eat some cereal and then grab my backpack. Tonight is Payton, Brandon, and Niall's last soccer match. I walk around campus and then go to the pitch. I leave my bag by the base of the tall oak and climb to the top. There is a patch of leaves gone and I can see the lake perfectly. I listen to my music and sing quietly to it.

 "You have a lovely voice." I hear Liam say from below me. He is climbing up the tree towards me, his bag left by mine.

 "No I don't, I can't sing." I say, swinging down so that I'm hanging upside down. Liam climbs up one more branch and our faces are inches apart.

"Well, I think you can. What song were you singing love?"

 "It was by a band I like." I say.

 "What band?" He asks,

 "5 Seconds of Summer, they aren't a band that's very popular though." I say ashamed of listening to such girly music.  

Hope POV

I slept till 6 am and then got ready for class, sending a text to Niall, Brandon, and Payton, "Good luck tonight!!! Love you guys! (Completely platonically just so you know)"  and get an almost immediate response from Brandon, "SHE HAS AWOKEN!" I roll my eyes, and shiver from the cold Manchester fall day.

"I need more blankets," I mumble as I shut the door behind me, pulling on my coat. I go to Starbucks, and hang out for a while before leaving for class.

Faith POV

After school I have no homework because I finished it in homeroom. I go back o the dorm and put on my Alex Morgan jersey with black sweatpants. I put my hair into a messy bun and grab my soccer bag. I walk out and am hit with a cold air but I don't have any time to go back before the game starts. I arrive and the others are already there. We sit at the top were it is freezing cold. The others all have jackets on except me. I sit next to Liam and Harry.

"Aren't you cold?" Zayn asks after a bit.

 "No, I'm fine." I say which is a lie. I don't show my weaknesses but it is really cold. There is a few minutes left till half and I don't know if I'll make it. Liam shifts and lays a jacket over my shoulders. I lay my head on his shoulder.

"I know you're cold." He whispers into my hair. I smile up at him and we lean together and Hope is screaming at the game which makes me jump. 


Hello, it seems I am the only one who cares to post... :P ~Fai

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