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Hope POV

I shake my head slowly at Faith and Liam, then tap Harry's shoulder. He sees, and immediately snatches my hand without a second thought, catching me by surprise. He smiled, and we let go so we could keep playing. Soon enough we started to play lightning again, and I realized that Faith and Liam had been gone for almost an hour now. I grabbed Payton's shoulder and told him. He insisted that me and Harry go check it out and try to find them if I could. We went to the cafeteria and saw both Faith and Liam still there, talking and talking and talking, their food untouched.

Faith POV

Liam and I just talk; we set our food aside and get to know each other better. After about an hour or so I see Hope and Harry walk in searching for us. Hope sees me and then sees Liam and our untouched food. She points us out to Harry and they start to walk towards us. "Harry and Hope coming now." I say to Liam, he looks over his shoulder and looks back at me. He rolls his eyes,

"What do they think we were doing? Running away?" He says. I laugh a little as Hope and Harry reach the table. 

Hope POV

"Were you guys hiding from us?" I ask Faith jokingly as I approach their table. She looked at Liam, then laughed and turned back to me,

 "No, we just started talking, and didn't stop!" I stood there for a moment before asking if they wanted to go back to the pitch and play lightning.

 "Hmm.. Not right now." Faith answered.

 "What?" I said in mock surprise.

 "You want to skip out on lightning to talk to Liam?!" She nodded, laughing, and we left them to talk.

Faith POV

I sigh as Hope and Harry walks off. Then I see Harry reach for Hope's hand. "Oh my gosh, Liam! Look at Hope and Harry!" I say hushed while staring at them walking away. Liam looks due to my excitement and looks to Hope and Harry.

"I think that before today ends they'll be together." He says smiling back at me. I nod in agreement,

 "Oh yes, I hope so because Hope doesn't shut up about him!"

 "That's funny cause Harry never shuts up about Hope!" I laugh at the fact that they like each other so much. I finally start to eat my food and so does Liam. After we finish we start talking some more.

"I have an idea! When Hope and Harry become a couple we could call them Harrpy(pronounced Hair-p)!" Liam laughs at the idea and so do I.

 "I know it sounds stupid but hey, it would be funny to have them named Harrpy!" 

Hope POV

Harry grabber my hand as we were leaving, and I could hear Faith's 'whispering' to Liam about us. I shook my head and kept Harry's hand in mine until we got back to the pitch. He stopped me before I stepped back on and leaned forward. He whispered, "Want to go out with me?!" And I nodded.


So..... Liam and Faith are like... together!!! Plus, Harry and I!!!!!!

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