Victory and Pizza

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Hope POV

Faith jumped over my dead avatar, I had been the most recently dead, with Brandon right before me, and Harry before him. Faith was getting really good at this game. I had played it only a few times before, so I was surprised I made it that far. Faith and Payton were still going pretty well, so I decided to scoot back and sit by Harry. He grabbed my hand, and it was almost like Faith had ESP (Extra Sensory Perception) or something, she turned around and smirked momentarily before turning back to the game.

Faith POV

So, during games Payton and I talk. Okay, I talk and squeal if I'm about to die. So I was crouched on the ground in the game with the witch right beside me. No rocks could hit me thankfully but it made it hard for Payton to fight the witch and save me. He was running low on health too. The healer came to me and as she was healing me, Payton killed the witch. I got fully healed and so did Payton. "Okay Faith, the undead are going to come soon you watch behind I'll watch ahead." Payton tells me.

"Okay, let's do this brother!" I say and position my player. Soon we are surrounded by undead and Payton and I exchange a look and we know what to do to win.

Hope POV

I see Payton and Faith exchange a glance, and I know that they're going into 'The Zone'. I shake my head, and try to concentrate on anything but how sweaty my hand was getting. I hear a "HECK YES!!" and then a "WHOOO!!" so I start to look up and see Faith and Payton jumping and dancing around like only my idiotic siblings would. "Nice job guys!" I say, as they continue their dancing and cheering.

"Yeah, now it's starting to look like you guys are performing a ritual or something, you may want to sit down now." I laugh, and they look at me, very confused-like, then realize that I'm joking. They keep up the dancing for a good five minutes, then plop back down to play a new game.

Faith POV 

Payton and I plop back into our bean bag chairs. Liam moves up and sits next to me and I look over my shoulder to see Harry press a kiss to Hope's forehead. I smile and turn back as Payton puts in the car game we always play. We play freestyle and in the end Payton and my cars are a complete wreck, we had to get new cars every 10 minutes so we've gone through almost 6ish. We all get hungry and Payton tries to find something to eat. 

Hope POV

As Payton searches the cabinets in the room, Faith looks at me, and smirks. A giant smirk. She saw the forehead kiss. I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a pillow soaring an inch from my nose, and smacking Brandon in the face. "YOU ATE ALL OF THE FOOD!" Payton yells at him. He starts to giggle, and Payton throws me his phone. "Call the pizza place," he says in mock seriousness, "SOMEONE ate all of the food!" Then he throws another pillow, but this one hits me while I'm ordering the pizza. I glare at him, and write the total on my arm with a pen that I keep in my sweatshirt pocket at all times in case I need to remember something. I chuck the pillow at him, and within a minute or two, the nine of us are in a giant pillow/blanket/anything fight. I got a cleat chucked at my head, but it missed because I ducked. I looked at the time on my phone and snuck out of the room and downstairs to the ground floor to pick up the pizza. I brought it back upstairs, opened the door, and yelled, "PIZZA!" into the chaos. Immediately all pillows, blankets, soccer balls, cleats, jerseys, and other various objects dropped to the floor and I got surrounded by the 8 others wanting the pizza. 'Nice move Hope, eating four pieces before you got here' I think to myself as I take another slice.

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