Chapter 6

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While Optimus was driving I noticed something was wrong. I sat up and Optimus looked down at me as I looked out the window with fear in my eyes. Optimus placed a hand on my lap.

"Something wrong?" Optimus asked as I looked at him with fear in my eyes.

"We are too late, get to the NEST bass now!" Optimus stepped on it as he drove faster. "I have to get there now. Meet me there, Optimus." I teleported to the bass and when I got there I saw soldiers running around and the autobots running also. I saw Sentinel shooting at Bumblebee and I used my shield to protect Bee.

"Sentinel, you need to step down!" I yelled as he looked at me.

"I do not take orders from you goddess! I take orders for no one!" Sentinel yelled and started shooting at me but I used my shield to protect me.

Sentinel walked closer while shooting at me, I was losing my shield so I pushed back my shield towards Sentinel as he fell backwards.

"(Y/N)!" I heard Sam's voice as I looked over and saw him till something hit the ground in front of me and I was blown away from the spot and landed on the ground hard. "No! (Y/N)!" Sam yelled as I slowly got up and looked at Sentinel as he walked away.

"I will not kill you (y/n) because you are Optimus mate. But I will harm you if you get in my way!" Sentinel said as I just lay there in pain.

"If you start a war, just remember I am coming after you and kill you!" I yelled as he kept on walking.

Sam came running towards me and helped me as Bumblebee came over and checked if I was okay. My wounds started to heal on their own as I leaned against Sam.

"You okay?" Sam asked as I nodded.

"Yes I am fine." I looked around and saw Ironhide laying there dead with dust around him. "You need to go, I will come find you, but you need to go and get your girlfriend and your parents out of here now." I told Sam as Sam nodded and took off. "Bee, make sure everyone is okay, I will go check on Ironhide."

I walked over to Ironhide and kneel down as I saw there is nothing I can do to bring him back. A tear fell as he was a good friend of mine as I placed my hand on his mettle cheek.

"I'm sorry my friend." I whisper as Optimus pulled in and transformed as I growled and stood up and walked off as Bumblebee looked down at me and saw anger rising inside me. "I'm going to kill him." I growled as my eyes slowly turned red as Bumblebee backed away from me as he knew this other side of me that no one can understand, only the autobots understand my other side.

"(Y/N)!" Mearing called while running towards me as I growled some more and Bumblebee tried to stop Mearing but Lennox saw this and tried to stop Mearing also. "This is all Optimus Prime's fault! You must have known this will happen huh? Well if you did know this will happen why didn't you tell us!" I snapped at her as she gasped and back away as I growled at her with sharp teeth and red eyes.

"Don't put the blame on me, human! This is all Sentinel fault! Not Optimus or mine do you understand!" I yelled at her as Optimus came in his human form and pulled me away.

"Hey, hey shh, shh. I am here." Optimus said in a whisper voice as I calmed down and bursted into tears as Optimus held me.

"We should have been here." I mumbled while crying. "I could have saved him."

"I know love, I know, but not everyone can be saved." Optimus said as I looked up at him with tears.

"We need to stop him before it's too late." I said as Optimus nodded and looked over at Bumblebee.

"Bee stay with (y/n), I will go and stop Sentinel." Optimus said as I was about to protest but Optimus kissed me to shut me up. "You are staying here. I do not want you to get hurt in any way. Okay?" I sniffed and nodded.

"Okay..." I said as he kissed my forehead before vanishing and his truck form took off with some autobots. "Please be safe." I mumbled while watching Optimus drive off with Bumblebee beside me.

Optimus Prime Pov.

I made it as Sentinel was about to open the pillars so I ran over as the autobots surrounded the place.

"Stop! No, no Sentinel!" I yelled at Sentinel.

"Forgive me." Sentinel said as he turned on the pillars and the portal opened as decepticons came through the portal.

"Autobots, retreat!" I yelled as I follow Sentinel and tackle him down as we started to fight. "Nggah! Why, Sentinel? Why?" I asked as he pinned me down.

"For Cybertron! For our home! What war destroyed, we can rebuild! But only if we join with the decepticons!" Sentinel said.

"No, it's not the only way! This is our home! We must defend the humans!" I yelled as Sentinel ping me down with his sword.

"So lost you are, Optimus. On Cybertron, we were gods. And here, they call us machines. Let the humans serve us, or perish! You're lucky I didn't kill you like your mate! In time, you'll see." Sentinel said as I felt fear in my spark when he said that he didn't kill my mate so he was planning on killing her soon?

"It's not over." I said as he walked away and I watched him leave as I felt betrayed by my old master.

I got up and started heading back to the bass and when I got there Bumblebee was still near (y/n) as she was looking down and I saw in her eyes that they were angry, sad, and most of all fearful. I waved Bumblebee away as he left and I gently picked (y/n) up and walked to our room and once we made it there I lay her down on the bed and transformed into my human self. Walking over and laying down next to her as she rolled over and lay on my chest with tears in her eyes.

"They might force you to leave earth now." She said as I held her closer and rubbed her back. "I can't let that happen. I need you Optimus."

"I know and I hope they won't take me away from you. I don't know what to do without you my love." I said as we held on to each other as I was praying, hoping, and begging that they won't force me and the autobots to leave earth.

I know they will, so I am going to stay up and watch (y/n) so I can memorize her face and her looks but most of all, her beautiful soul that I am going to miss. I hold her closer to my chest as she snuggles close to me. I know someday we are going to be a family but not today or other days. Right now I have to think on how to stop this war before it begins.

Transformers and the Fox Goddess: Dark of the MoonWhere stories live. Discover now