Chapter 3

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Optimus Prime pov.

"Xantium approaching Tranquility Base." I said over the incomes as we made it to the moon.

"You're a go for landing." The ground base said as we landed on the moon then walked out.

"Ratchet, let's roll." I said as we ran off to the Ark.

We made it to the ark and started using lasers to cut the mettle for our way in, once it was done and the mettle fell down to the ground Ratchet and I walked in.

"We're entering the Ark." I said while looking around the place and heading over to where Sentinel is at.

I opened the door as there was Sentinel Prime sitting with five pillars. I look at my old friend and I wonder if (y/n) will like Sentinel Prime. I know she would, she likes all the autobots.

"His levels are faint. He locked himself away to guard the pillars." Ratchet said as I picked up Sentinel.

"Sentinel. You're coming home, old friend." I said then head back to the ship to head back home.

(Y/N) Pov.

I got a phone call from Sam saying he got a job that he does not really like but he says it's a job till I hear a crazy man say that your friends are in danger so he hangs out. Your friends are in danger. That voice came in my head till I remembered why I passed out and don't remember shit. A star is telling me that the autobots are in danger. I get up from my desk and run off to find Optimus but when I found him he was holding an old autobot in his arms that looked like dead but I can since that he is alright. I walked over and Optimus looked down at me.

"Who is he?" I asked as Optimus placed that autobot on a table then walked over to me while holding out his hand so I got on.

"His name is Sentinel Prime. My old teacher and an old friend." Optimus said while placing me on his shoulder.

"Optimus, I need to tell you something." I said as he looked at me and he could see something was wrong. "Remember that I didn't remember what happened, I remember now! You all are in danger!" I told him as the rest of the autobots looked at me.

"What do you mean (y/n)?" Ironhide asked as I looked at everyone.

"I don't know when but you all are in danger! I remember a star came into my mind telling me that you are all in danger, all the humans are going to die and someone evil is going to start another war." I told them as they all looked tense including Optimus.

"Autobots will be on your watch then." Optimus said as everyone goes back to what they are doing.

I look at Sentinel Prime as a flash of him and Optimus fighting. My ears flatten while looking at Sentinel knowing it's going to be him that will start the fight. So I better keep a really close eye on him.

"Is something wrong, my love?" Optimus asked as I looked at him as my ears perked up.

"No nothing." I said as he hummed and helped me down.

"Bee! Is Bee in there?!" I heard Sam yell from the radio and I knew something happened.

"Sam." I said as Bumblebee drove off. "If Sam is here it might already have started." I said as Optimus looked down at me.

Optimus Prime Pov.

I hope there is no other war, if there is I do not want (y/n) to be in it. I love her very much and I wish I could start a family with her someday but I hope someday when the war is over and everything is at peace I will tell her that I want to be by her side forever and have a family with her. (Y/N) is my sparkmate and I can not let her get hurt again like last time in Egypt. My spark broke when she passed away but then relief from the other gods and goddesses.

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