Chapter 2

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I woke up and saw that Optimus was next to me in his human form and I was in a tent-like thing with meds stuff and I knew I was in Ratchet med bay. I sighed and looked over at Optimus as he had his eyes closed. Ratchet came in, with his human form and looked at me with a smile.

"Good, you're awake." Ratchet said as Optimus woke up and looked up at him then looked down at me with worried eyes.

"(y/n), you're awake." Optimus said as I smiled.

"Hey you two...I'm sorry but I really don't remember what happened." I said as I was lost on why I am here.

"You bursted into green and white flames before falling to the ground. Was it one of your new powers?" Ratchet asked as I remembered that but I don't remember why I did that.

"I guess so, it's funny I really don't remember anything." I told them as Ratchet looked concerned.

"Ratchet, could you leave us alone for a minute." Optimus said as Ratchet nodded and left. "Love what is happening to you. My spark almost broke when I saw you fall."

"I'm sorry my love, but I really don't know what is going on with me. Maybe I need some time alone somewhere to figure this out." I told him as he stood from his chair and placed a hand on top of mine.

"No, what happens if this thing happens again? No, I am going to stay with you till the very end. You are my sweetspark and I will help you with this." Optimus said as I smiled at him.

"Okay, we will do this together then." I told him as he smiled and leaned in and kissed me on the lips softly and I kissed back.

"I love you my sweetspark." Optimus said as I smiled up at him.

"I love you too, my love." I said while looking into his eyes.

We leaned in again and kissed again but this time deeper and more passion but we pulled away when someone walked in. Both of us looked over and saw Lennox as he stopped and looked away then back at us.

"Sorry I barged in but I'm just checking if you are alright. Also what happened out there (y/n)." Lennox asked as I sighed and sat up and looked at Lennox.

"I don't remember Lennox, and I'm sorry for whatever happened." I said as Lennox walked over and patted my head as I smiled up at him.

"It's alright, now I have to go and see what Mearing needs." Lennox said while walking out.

"I better get going." Optimus said as I got out of bed and stood next to Optimus.

"Okay, be safe oh and Optimus." I said as he hummed and looked at me while I pulled him into a kiss. "Love you." Optimus smiled.

"I love you too." Optimus said while leaning in and kissed my lips softly before walking off as I watched him leave.

I walked out and I saw Optimus, Ratchet and Ironhide head off as I sighed till someone was behind me so I turned around and saw Mearing. She does not look happy and I can tell she has a little excitement in her eyes.

"Hello (y/n), my name is Mearing. It's nice to meet you. I'm just seeing how you are from your little accident back in the big bass." She said as I smiled at her.

"I'm doing alright, just a fuzzy brain right now. I'm sorry about the fire, I am having new powers going on in me and I'm still learning to control them." I told her as she smiled and nodded.

"Understandable, plus you are one of the last of the gods and a guardian of our world." She said and I saw more excitement in her eyes. "I know this is out of my league but may I have a picture of you with me?" She asked as I smiled at her.

"Sure, with normal or goddess?" I asked.

"Goddess please." She said as I nodded and transformed into my goddess form as my tails swayed and my ears twitched. She smiled and pulled out her phone and started doing a selfie as I smiled at the phone camera while she was smiling also. She took the picture then looked at me with a smile. "Thank you. Well you have a nice day." With that she left with her little aid behind her as I smiled.

"Anytime." I said while walking off to mind my own business.

Walking around as some people say hello and I said hi back while walking to Bumblebee and once I made it to him, I fell down on the floor and looked up at the open ceiling. Bumblebee walked over and sat down as he asked me what was wrong? I sighed and looked up at the sky then over at him.

"I wish I could tell Optimus that...tsk never mind." I said while looking away and Bumblebee asked me to go on so I sat up. "I want to be more with Optimus. I want a life with him. We have been together for so long and I just...I just wish I had the guts to tell him the same thing I am telling you Bee!" I huffed and stood up and crossed my arms as Bumblebee sighed. "I know, I know bee, you are having a war but this is my war also. Why can I have a family like everyone on this earth gets to have. Sure I am a goddess and all and Optimus is from another world and alien but still I love him so much I just...I just wish I could start a family with him." I said with a sad voice and Bumblebee patted on my head softly while making cute whirl voices. "Thanks for listening Bee." I said while walking off.

Transformers and the Fox Goddess: Dark of the MoonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu