Michael lightly punch Janet on her arm. Janet rubs her arm and say

Janet - I'm saying the truth

Prince - She has a point

Michael - Prince! (fake offended tone)

Prince - Just pulling your leg, (smiling ☺) I believe in you and I trust you

Eddie - This faggot Prince will do whatever his father did to his mother

Michael - Let us go

Joe enter the room and ask

Joseph - What is taking you all this much time?

Michael - I was packing my stuffs and they were helping me out

Joe - Let us go before they give our table to someone else.

In a restaurant, the Jackson family and Eddie was discussing what they want to have. Suddenly they hear someone ask

Voice - Can we could also join you Katherine and Joseph?

Expect Joseph, Eddie and the Jackson family gets shocked 😲 to see Lillian and Charles. Edward ask

Eddie - Mom dad, what are you doing here? (shocked 😲)

Lillian - We came to take you back home

Eddie - I don't want to go there (stubbornly)

Charles - Sorry Edward but you can not stay here any more

Eddie - I am not letting you to control me and my life anymore

Charles - Listen Eddie, I don't care about if you want to join that job or not but you have to work there and you are coming home as your school is over now.

Eddie - I don't want to go there

Lillian - You can't stay here too until you rent a house or buy a house. The Jacksons can't have you forever in their house. Eddie you have to come with us and do as your father says as I can't help you with the problems you caused here. You should be glad Joseph is still having you in his house.

Eddie - Mom please (requesting, pleading and begging tone)

Lillian - Sorry Edward but we are leaving tonight itself as I and your father can't take leaves from our jobs

Charles - I hope you have packed your stuffs by now

Eddie - There is few more things to pack

Charles - After packing that we are leaving for airport as we won't have any time

Kate - Why don't we have lunch together?

Joe - It would be good to catch up with you both

Lillian - We would like to catch up with you too (smiling ☺)

While having their lunch, Charles ask

Charles - So Michael going to college? (seeing Michael)

Michael - Yes Mr. Murphy (nodes his head with a smile 🙂)

Lillian - When are you leaving?

Michael - Day after tomorrow at 5am

Charles - Which college exactly are you going? (🤨)

Michael - Education Masters

Lillian - That college, (surprised) I heard that you get immediate job after you leave that college

Michael - I hope I get suitable job for me

Charles - You will surely get it.... So Randy what more complains do you have about Eddie? (jokingly)

Randy - I wish I knew you were coming so that I would have brought my complaint list

Janet - They are coming to our house so you can give it then

Katherine - There are here to pick up Eddie not to hear you both complains (a bit sternly)

Lillian - I thank you and Joe for taking care of our Eddie

Joseph - Happy that we could be helpful for you

Lillian - Morris and Van left for their college?

Michael - Just last week they left and yesterday Chris went to his college

Charles - Even he choose his college good.... Which college is he going to attend?

Michael - All rounder college. He wanted to learn acting so went to learn that

Lillian - Joe we will pay for the lunch

Kate - Oh please no

Charles - We don't want to hear anything. Accept our payment as you took in and not kicking Edward out of your house after all the things he did

Edward - They raised a faggot son in the name of Michael Joseph Jackson (seeing Michael smirking 😏)

Charles - At least they raised him responsibly and respectfully, even though he is a gay. I and your mother failed in that in the way raising you.... He had hopes and confidence to tell them even after he knew the side effects but you.... I am really disappointed with you (seeing Edward disappointedly)

Lillian - Let us go

The Murphy and Jackson families went back to the Jackson house. Eddie pack his stuffs in anger and went with his parents without saying anything. Michael felt so relaxed and calm that he called Prince to his room.


Sorry for the spelling mistakes, grammar and typing errors

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