Chapter 51

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The next day, Eddie got out of the tent and went to half sleeping Michael and kicks Michael's wounded leg. Michael wakes up with pain and screams in pain and see Eddie angrily and ask

Michael - Why the fucking hell did you do that?

Michael was holding his leg in agony. Eddie ask

Eddie - Where is my morning drink? (attitude tone)

Michael - Edward we are lost in the forest so we have to save the food and water as much as possible than using them

Eddie - I do not care about those things so make my coffee and breakfast

Michael - You are going to make us suffer without food and water now

Eddie - We will find our way out of the here so do as I say

Michael - Sometimes I just wish you had some brains on time of this

Eddie - Just do as I said you piece of shit (angrily 😡)

Michael did as Eddie said. Few minutes later, Eddie was having a bowl of noodles 🍜 and coffee ☕ and Eddie ask

Eddie - Are you not going to have anything you son of a bitch? (seeing Michael)

Michael - I do not need it

Eddie - Afterwards I won't stop until we get out of here

Michael - I can take care of myself as long as I live and I don't want you to worry about me even a single bit so don't fake that you care about me

Eddie - I wil not waste my time with you mother fucker

Few minutes later, they start to walk in the forest to find their way out. Two and half an hour later, Michael sits on a tree log and Eddie shout

Eddie - GET THE HELL UP! (angrily 😡)

Michael - Let us take some rest for few minutes please (requesting tone)

Eddie - I said no rest you moron

Michael drinks some water and takes two sticks and gets up and say

Michael - Let us go

Eddie and Michael walk for a while and Michael ask

Michael - Where are we exactly going?

Eddie - Water flow

Michael - Good, you have some plan for once.... Did you check the map?

Eddie - No (shakes his head)

Michael - What? (shocked 😲) Eddie we are already lost and you did not check the map even for once

Eddie - Listen don't yell at me you jerk and follow me or else.... Go alone on your own

Michael - I am not a fool to do anything wrong like that

Eddie - You date and sleep with that asshole so in that itself I know how much foolish you are

Michael - At least check the map now

Eddie - Couldn't accept that I said the truth about your bf

Michael - Ed check the map

Eddie - Fine you annoying bug (fed up tone)

Eddie check the map and Michael ask

Michael - Are we going on the right way Mr. Leader?

Eddie noticed that they were going on the wrong way but he had hope that he could find their way out so he say

Eddie - Yeah! (lied) Let us keep going

Few hours later, Michael notice that they were in very dry land. Michael say

Michael - Eddie check the map

Eddie - Can you shut up for good? (angrily 😡)

Michael - Listen I know you are pissed off with me but I feel like we are going on the wrong side

Eddie - I saw the map few minutes ago so shut your God damn mouth for heavens sake (angrily shouting 😡)

Michael - Always yelling and shouting at me (mumbles under his breath)

Eddie - Did you say anything you freaking faggot? (seeing Michael)

Michael - I said that you should take a look at the map and take another path

Eddie - You don't tell me what to do and I am the captain here not you and you have to listen and follow whatever I say and do

Michael - I can't and won't listen to you if you put both of our lives in danger

Eddie - Oh really? (🤨)

Michael - Let us not get into a fight with each other as we have to be at the camping site by tomorrow morning before the bus arrives to pick us up

Eddie - Good have that fear on me

Michael rolls his eyes and they kept walking for a long time. Michael keeps seeing the surroundings getting dry and there was rocks and cracks on the ground. He was now very much sure that they were somewhere they should not be and he was getting a bit scared because by now he knew Eddie did not know where they were. Eddie see the map and say

Eddie - We are almost there, don't stop walking now (warning tone)

Michael - Eddie I know you are lying. We are somewhere unknown

Eddie - Don't talk rubbish (irritated tone)

Michael - I am not talking rubbish but truth. Look around your surroundings and are wein a known place? (wiping his sweat) Accept we are lost in a unknown place.

Eddie - Quit whining and complaining and keep moving forward (angrily 😡)

Michael looks down the mountain and see endless darkness and did as told as he did not have any other choice. Few hours later, it started to get dark and they made the tent ⛺ and they made dinner and Eddie say

Eddie - We will be there by tomorrow afternoon if you keep it up like this

Michael quietly nodes his head as he was feeling too much pain on his wounded leg. Deep in the forest, in a tent ⛺, Chris and Prince were talking about random things. Chris ask

Chris - Excited for tomorrow, new best friend?

Prince - I can not wait to see my old man back. Chris can I ask you something?

Chris - Shoot buddy! (eating a marshmallow)

Prince - Why Michael never dated?

Chris - Michael is shy to ask anyone out like you. He liked a girl whom you dated but none of us thought he would fall for you

Prince - Why do you say that? (curiously)

Chris - You are dominating and demanding and Michael is completely different from you.

Prince - Opposite attracts!.... How did you feel about me and him dating?

Chris - Different for sure. I got scared when Mike started dating Eddie.... I never thought Eddy would do something like that to Michael. They were too close. When I saw you both together as couple, I was glad and everyday I pray that you should not treat Michael like Edward did. I could see that Mikey is more happier with you than he was with Eddie.

Prince - Do not worry dude, your best friend is safe in good hands

Chris - I could see that

Prince - Let us go to sleep

Chris nodes his head and they went to sleep. In the tent, Prince was thinking about Michael. Prince see Chris and ask

Prince - Are you awake?

Chris - What do you want? (seeing Prince)

Prince - Can you have Eddie at your place for few days?

Chris smiles 🙂 tiredly at him and nodes his head as Michael has told him everything. They both close their eyes and sleep 😴 with a huge smile ☺.


Sorry for the spelling mistakes, grammar and typing errors

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