Chapter 84

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Jackie shouts in frustration

Jackie - Damn it, where the hell did they take Taj.... I have tried everything

Cop - Sir can it be that they are out of here? (seeing Jackie)

Jackie - No, (shakes his head) the numbers are not out of here.... They are using different sims to call us. We need to hear that recording again and I keep feeling like I am missing something

Cop - Can they be near any beach or ships working places?

Jackie - I don't know but the ships sounds, they should be near or surrounding it. Tell Samantha and Sam to find out about it

Cop - Ok

Suddenly they hear a knock and Jackie see the cop and say

Jackie - You stay with my family and don't let them out until I return (serious tone)

Cop - Yes sir

Jackie took his gun 🔫 and went to the living room and hear the knocks again and Jackie got near the door and ask

Jackie - Who is it?

Jackie just heard another knock on the door. Jackie see through the peephole and see a mask person with a small kid. He see the mask person knock on the door and Jackie opens the door and shows his gun 🔫 at the mask person and ask

Jackie - Who are you and whom's kid are you having?

The mask person - Jackie can't you recognise me?

Jackie see the mask person suspiciously and ask

Jackie - Tell me who are you and what do you want or else you have to answer my gun

The mask person - First let me in or else they will find me

Jackie let the mask person in and gets shocked 😲 when the mask person removed his mask from his face. Jackie say

Jackie - Michael you were with them? (shocked 😲)

Michael - No (shakes his head)

Jackie - I thought you were in your room

Michael - I will tell you everything later i got to tell you something important

Jackie - What?

Michael - They used another kid to torture and the kid is death now and they went to dispose his body

Jackie - Do you know where they are?

Michael - Yes (nodes his head)

Jackie - First you take us there so that we can catch them immediately

Few hours later, Michael and Jackie were sitting in the living room with everyone. Tito was hugging sleeping 😴 Taj. Jackie ask

Jackie - What were you doing there?

Michael - I went there to get Taj out of there

Rebbie - How did you go there?

Michael - I got in a car whom came to take the money

Randy - Now I understand the cover up you three were doing (seeing Prince, La Toya and Janet)

Jermaine - Good thing they did not find you and hurt you

Tito - There is no wound on his body

Tito was checking Taj. Michael say

Michael - They were using another kid to torture but they did it in front of Taj

La Toya - Why is he sleeping this long time?

Michael - They must have given sleeping pills so that he won't trouble them

Jackie - Good thing is that we caught them all

Janet - What will happen to them? (curiously)

Jackie - Usual

Katherine - Let us all go to our room and take some rest

Everyone went to their respective rooms. In Jackie's room, Jackie was texting his senior about the updates and suddenly he hears a knock on the door and Jackie see Tito. Jackie say

Jackie - Come in Tito

Tito - If you are busy then we will talk later

Jackie - Come in, I was just messaging my senior about the updates

Tito sits on the bed quietly. Few minutes later, Jackie sits beside Tito and puts his hand on Tito's shoulder and Jackie ask

Jackie - Feeling okay little brother? (concerned tone)

Tito - I'm sorry for the way I talked to you

Jackie - It's ok, I understand your place on the moment. After a very long time I felt so hopeless and useless

Tito - Don't! I would have been the same in your place

Jackie - Tomorrow we will take Taj to a hospital for a check up

Tito - Sure! I am sorry for the way I talked to you in front of everyone

Jackie - It's ok I did not take it seriously. Now you go and take care of Taj.

Tito nodes his head and went to Michael's room and see Prince was reading a book and Michael was not in the room so Tito ask

Tito - Prince where is Mike?

Prince - Taking a shower

Michael comes out of the bathroom and Prince say

Prince - Talk of the God and Michael is here (jokingly)

Michael - Grow up Prince (seeing Prince annoyed).... What brings you here? (seeing Tito)

Tito - Just wanted to check on you and thanks for your big help

Michael - I couldn't miss a chance like that

Tito - Good thing they did not find you and hurt you. Don't ever do anything like that again (strictly)

Michael - How are you?

Tito - Better than before. You take rest and tomorrow we will go to the hospital for a quick check up for you and Taj

Michael - Ok (nodes his head)

Tito - Good night and sweet dreams for both of you

Prince and Michael - Same to you too

In La Toya's room, Eddie was feeling very much relaxed that nothing happened to Taj and Michael. La Toya say

La Toya - Lucky you

Eddie see La Toya and Janet say

Janet - This does not mean that we will forgive you that easily

La Toya - Don't play this much dirty that you get yourself in trouble

Janet - I'm going to sleep

La Toya - Me too and you also go to sleep (seeing Eddie sternly)

Eddie - Okay (nodes his head)

In Michael's room, Prince say

Prince - Don't ever do anything like that. You don't know how much worried I got about you (a little bit of angrily 😠)

Michael - Sorry Prince but I could not stay here and wait which I got a chance like that

Prince - Just don't do anything like that ever again without telling me

Michael - I'm going to sleep now so good night and sweet dreams

Prince - I won't let you to sleep alone tonight

Prince got on Michael's bed and they slept together. In Tito's room, Tito was hugging Taj tightly on his chest and silently prayed to God and thanking the God for returning Taj unharmed. Tito kiss on Taj's head and slowly slowly went to sleep.


Sorry for the spelling mistakes, grammar and typing errors

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