Chapter 60

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At kitchen, Michael see a empty chair 🪑 and ask

Michael - Mom where is dad? (seeing Katherine)

Katherine - He did not call that means he has gone to drink with his friends.

Michael breathes heavily knowing why Joseph did not come home. Katherine noticed that Michael was not eating well. Katherine say

Kate - Michael eat your dinner properly (strictly)

Michael nodes his head but still Katherine see Michael barely touching his food. Janet holds Michael's hand and smiles ☺️ at him. Michael smiles 🙂 at her and haves his dinner. Two and half an hour later, Joseph enter the house and Katherine see drunk Joseph a bit disappointedly. Kate say

Katherine - Get freshen up, I will warm up the dinner

Joseph - Are the kids sleeping? (drunk tone)

Kate - Yes

Joe - Did he go to work?

Katherine - Yes, (nodes her head) Michael went to work

Joseph - I asked about Eddie not Michael (a bit angrily 😠)

Kate - Yes, he went to work. T
Tito dropped him home.

Joseph went to his room and got freshen up and went to the kitchen and sit and have his dinner. Few minutes later, Joseph ask

Joseph - Did the kids have their dinner?

Katherine - Yes! (nodes her head)

There was silence for a long time. Joseph see Katherine was dull. Joe ask

Joe - What is it?

Kate - What? (seeing Joseph)

Joseph - Since I came home you look preoccupied with something (seeing Katherine)

Katherine - I did not like the way you accusing our son. You know Michael would never do anything wrong like that. Hitting him like that with belt and that also in front of his siblings. (a little bit angrily 😠)

Joe - Do you really think I liked hitting Michael with belt? I could not accept my son might have done something wrong like that. I can accept any mistakes from our kids but not stealing and lying. I just wanted to teach a lesson for them if they have plans like this. I am just showing them the punishment they will get for that unforgivable mistake.

Katherine - What is the meaning of saying to Michael not to come in front of you until he proves himself, he is innocent? (angrily 😡)

Joseph - If Michael really is innocent he will find his way out of this in no time.

Kate - Joe do you really believe that our Michael stole the exam papers?

Joe - Katy truth always finds its way out. I believe in our raising of our children. Let us go to sleep

Kate just nodes her head. Joseph and Katherine went to their room and sleep 😴. The next day at evening, Michael was doing his homeworkers. Suddenly the door bell rings and Michael was about to get up but hear Joe say

Joseph - I will see

Joe opens the door and see Prince, Chris, Morris and Van and Joseph ask

Joseph - What do you kids want? (🤨)

Prince - We missed our tuitions for past few days so we came here

Joe - Ok, come in.

Joe let them in. They went to the living room and see Edward and Michael were reading for the exams. Prince and Chris sits beside Michael. Morris and Van sits beside Eddie. Joseph sits on the chair 💺 and see them. Chris keeps a pile of books 📚 on the table and say

Chris - Check them out

Michael - Chris please don't say that you brought your mistake filled classeorks and homeworks.

Chris - All are right.... Prince also checked it himself

Michael - Prince itself makes 💯 mistakes or mistakes finds him

Prince - I made huge mistake of bringing you today's school's classeorks and homeworks.

Morris - Prince don't risk it. You are already weak in Maths, English and Language

Van - Last exams itself you passed in border lines

Prince - Thanks for reminding me about it

Michael checks Chris's pile of books 📚. Katherine comes in and see Joseph and ask

Kate - Can't you say we have guests in the house (fake angry tone)

Joe - I thought you heard them as they are chatting this loud

Katherine - I will get you kids something to eat and drink

Morris - Thanks Mrs. Jackson, you are saving me as Prince and Van dragged me here without letting me to finish my lunch and snacks

Van - Morris, you and Chris are just a drama king and queen. You kept complaining like a baby that you are going to fail the final exams and Michael can only save you from failing and entering into medical college

Morris - I said the truth dude

Kate smiles 🙂 at them and went to the kitchen. Few minutes later, Katherine serves them a tray of snacks and different types of fruit juices. Michael see Chris and say

Michael - It is good

Chris - I got you the exam timetable

Michael - They gave it this soon (shocked 😲)

Morris - They changed the dates early because they prepared the new exam papers

Eddie - So soon? (shocked 😲)

Van - Yeah! (nodes his head) They already made another exam papers for extra if something happened like this. Are you guys ready for the exams?

Prince - As soon as I heard the exam dates (excitedly)

Chris - I can not wait to finish the exams already

Van - The exams better end as soon as possible like it is starting as soon as possible.

Joseph - When is the exam starting exactly? (curiously)

Chris - A month later

Van - This means that we have extra holidays for this holiday

Morris - I heard that they are doing some new renovations on this holiday

Prince - This means we will get something new after holidays

Michael - Let us start with the tuition or else you guys will talk about this topic forever to skip today's tuition

Chris - You are such a party pooper sometimes

Michael - Fine you keep talking and fail your exams and get grounded for next whole school year

Prince - No parties

Morris - No girlfriends

Van - And no fun at all

Eddie - Chris's life will go dull and boring

Chris - Mike if I fail as your student then you will also fail as my teacher (seeing Michael)

Michael - I can only help you to learn stuffs, rest is your hard work

Prince - Let us start our studied and preparation of the exams which will come in no time.


Sorry for the spelling mistakes, grammar and typing errors

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