Chapter 89

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Few months later, it was 29th of August 1976, in Michael's room, someone opens the door and see Michael with love. The person kiss on Michael's forehead and Michael slowly opens his eyes and see his mother and Katherine say

Katherine - Happy 18th birthday birthday my baby (smiling 😊)

Michael - Thanks mommy (smiling ☺)

Kate - Michael, I got to tell you something important

Michael - What mom? (curiously)

Michael sits on his bed and Katherine sits beside him. Kate takes a deep breath and shakes her head and say

Kate - You take your rest, tomorrow we will talk about it

Michael - Is everything okay mom? (concerned to s5)

Katherine - Yes (nodes her head) We will take after you return home from your work

Michael - Ok

Katherine went to her room and lay on the bed and see sleeping 😴 Joseph and remembered the day Michael was born

(Flashback starts)

In the hospital ward, Katherine was taking care of baby Michael. The door got open and Kate see her mother Martha. Martha ask

Martha - How are you my baby? (seeing Katherine)

Kate - I'm feeling better now

Martha - Did Joe come and see the baby?

Kate - Yes (nodes her head with a smile 🙂) Joseph and the kids saw Michael an hour ago

Martha - Lovely to hear that you had another son and you have kept wonderful name for him

Kate - What brings you here mama?

Martha - Can't a mother come and see her daughter

Katherine - You know I did not mean like that

Martha - I came to take care of you and little Michael for tonight

Kate - Thanks mom (smiling ☺)

Martha see sleeping 😴 baby Michael in the crib. Martha say

Martha - He looks so adorable (admiring Michael)

Kate - True.... Babies are cute until they wake us up at middle of the night (fake annoyed tone)

Suddenly the door got open and doctor Molly enter the ward and see Kate and say

Molly - Katherine I found something in Michael's body that I really need to tell you

Kate - What is it? (worried tone)

Molly - First you sit then I will tell you

Kate sits on the bed and Molly say

Molly - I found something that surprised me for a moment too

Martha - What did you find Molly?

Molly - Michael can get pregnant

Katherine and Martha - WHAT?! (shocked 😲)

Martha - But he is boy

Molly - I have no idea how is that possible but he can get pregnant that's all I know for now. If I find something more about this I will let you know (seeing Katherine)

Kate - Ok

After Molly left, Martha see her daughter thinking about something so Martha sits beside Katherine and ask

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