Chapter 70

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Prince and Michael were checking near the restrooms and water fountains. Jackie went to the security office to talk to the security officer and security guards. Others went to check other places in the airport. Michael say

Michael - If something happens to Taj, I am really going to kill Edward, I don't care even if he exposes my secrets (angrily 😡)

Prince - Michael we will find Taj

Michael - It has been an hour since Taj gone missing and Eddie is carefree that means something happened.

Suddenly a kid hugs Michael's leg and Michael looks down and see crying 😭 Taj. Michael and Prince got on their knees and Michael hugs Taj tightly and say

Michael - Thank God you are unharm and ok

Prince - Why are you hiding here?

Taj - Uncle Eddie said that he will hurt me so I ran away

Michael - You don't know how much worried Tito is about you

Taj - I got scared and I did not want to be near uncle Eddie and.... And I went looking for you and I got lost (crying 😢)

Michael - It is okay Taj, you are safe now (hugging Taj tightly)

Michael carries Taj and Taj wrapped his legs around Michael's waist and Prince say

Prince - Let us go back to others

Michael nodes his head and kept rubbing on Taj's back in comforting way. They went to the waiting room and see others were talking to a security officer. Tito see Prince and Michael with Taj and comes to them and ask

Tito - Where the heck did you find him? (worried tone)

Prince - He was near the gift shop

Tito carry Taj from Michael and say

Tito - Thank God nothing happened to you. (kissing on Taj's head) Where the hell did you go roaming in a unknown place in unknown city? (a bit angrily 😠)

Taj - I needed to pee and poop so I went to the toilet and I forgot my way here

Tito - Do you have any idea how worried we got here that you got lost (sternly)

Taj - I am sorry daddy, next time I will get lost with you so that you won't get worried about me

Everyone laughs 😂 🤣, chuckles and giggles 🤭 and Tito shakes his head with a smile ☺️ with a complete disappointment. Jackie say

Jackie - I am really sorry officer that we troubled you (seeing the security officer)

Security officer - It really ok. I hope you all enjoy your vacation in Goa

Jackie - Surely we would and thanks again for your time

Joseph - Is everybody here? Shall we really go now?

Everyone - Yes/Yep/Yeah! (nodes their heads)

Eddie - At last we are leaving this place finally.

Katherine - Let us go

They left the airport and booked few taxis and got in it. Kate ask

Katherine - Joe where are we going? (seeing Joe curiously)

Joseph - You will see Katy

Half an hour later, in a taxi Michael was sleeping 😴 on Prince's shoulder and Prince wrapped his arm around Michael's waist and pulled Michael closer to him. Prince rests on the seat and looks out in the night. An hour later, the Jackson family, Eddie and Prince were shocked and surprised 😲 to see that Joseph has brought them to a three star hotel. Kate see Joe and she ask

Katherine - Are you kidding us in the middle of the night?

Joseph - No Katie (shakes his head with a smile 🙂).... We are going to stay in this hotel for a week then we will move from here

The Jackson siblings - For a week? (shocked 😲)

Joe - Yes. (nodes his head with a smile 🙂) But remember that you kids have to be in your best behaviour in this hotel as we can't come here again and again

The Jackson siblings, grandkids and Prince - Yes Mr. Jackson/grandpa/dad

Eddie - Cheap peoples and their cheaper families and their cheapest thoughts (mumbles under his breath so that no one can hear him)

Joe - Let us get to our rooms

Joseph fills in the register book while others were seeing the lobby, sitting area and the decorations in awe. Few minutes later, they were sent to their rooms. Kate and Joe were staying in a room. Rebbie, Jackie Tito and Jermaine were staying with their kids in separate rooms. La Toya and Janet were staying in a room, Marlon, Eddie and Randy were staying in a room and Prince and Michael were staying in a room. In Tito's room, Tito lay sleeping 😴 Taj on the bed after changing Taj's clothes. Tito was laying on the bed and he admired his son sleeping 😴 and thought to himself.

Tito's thought - Just for an hour you got lost and I could not attend your mother's call. I seriously do not know how would I have managed her if she was here

Suddenly his phone rings and Tito immediately attended the call as Taj should not wake up. Tito say

Tito - Tito Jackson here

Dee Dee - Did you reach a hotel or a house?

Tito - Hotel

Dee Dee - Is he awake?

Tito - He is sleeping. Dee Dee, I'm feeling tired and sleepy too so bye baby

Dee Dee - Bye babe, love you

Tito - Love you too

Tito ended the call with a yawn 🥱 and went to the bathroom and got changed and sleep beside Taj after keeping some pillows beside Taj so that he should not fall from the bed. In Michael's room, Prince was laying on the bed and say

Prince - Glad that pig is not staying with us

Michael - True.... I can not believe that dad booked a separate room for us

Prince - A three star hotel is unbelievable thing. My dad's going to be jealous if I tell him about this

Michael - No one would believe us. I am going to sleep now so good night and sweet dreams my love

Prince - Good night and sweet dreams babyboy

Michael and Prince sleeps tiredly, exhausted and peacefully separately on separate beds.


Sorry for the spelling mistakes, grammar and typing errors

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