Chapter 13

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Thank you very much for 💯 readers and silent readers. I'm so glad and grateful that you are all enjoying it. I hope you all will enjoy the rest of the story.... ♥ I love you all very much


Here the story starts

In the kitchen, Michael was shocked 😲 to see a messy kitchen. Michael see Prince and say

Michael - Now I understand why you wanted to help me

Prince - Sorry but not sorry (shamelessly)

Michael laughs 😂 and Prince loved hearing Michael laughing, he did not understand how Eddie can hurt someone like Michael. Michael say

Michael - Come on let us clean up this mess then we'll make dinner

Prince and Michael clean the kitchen. 35 minutes later, the kitchen was spotless and Prince say

Prince - Wow, I never seen this kitchen this much clean even when I moved in here

Michael check the refrigerator and say

Michael - There is only fresh cream, eggs and chicken in here

Prince - This means my old guy will be mad if the refrigerator is empty

Michael - Do you have rice? (seeing Prince)

Prince - Yeah, (nodes his head) but why you need it? (🤨)

Michael - I need it for the dish we are going to make

Prince - What are you planning to make? (curiously)

Michael - You will see

Prince - What help do you want from me?

Michael - Spices!

Prince - All the spices are in the shelfs

Michael - Rice?

Prince - Near the rice maker

Michael - Let us start with the real cooking

They started to cook the dinner with the ingredients they had in the house. Half an hour later, Michael put a pot in the oven and see Prince and say

Michael - We have to only wait for 5 minutes then the dinner is ready to eat

Prince - I never knew cooking is so easy

Michael - Let us finish the project we were working on by then the dinner will be ready

15 minutes later, Michael and Prince were having dinner. Michael ask

Michael - Prince what is your future plans?

Prince - I don't know exactly.... I just want to get away from this old man called my dad

Michael - Don't you have any dream to become

Prince - I do but....

Michael - But what?

Prince - With my grades I won't get a seat in the college I want to go

Michael - Your grades can be improved and you can get sport scholarships

Prince - What do you want to become?

Michael - I want to become a designer.... A interior designer

Price - Nice

Michael - What about you?

Prince - I wanted to become a builder or a engineer

Michael - Cool

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