Chapter 47

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The next day, they all were tracking on a mountain. Eddie was irritated seeing Prince and Michael together 24 hours, they rarely separated from each other. While having lunch, Eddie thought to start his plans. A teacher say

Teacher - You kids can do whatever you like but be careful

Michael - Let us go somewhere (seeing Prince)

Prince - Sure.... Morris, Van and Chris we will be back soon

Chris - Take your time close best friends (teasingly and jokingly)

Morris and Van laughs 😂 🤣 and they were having snacks while talking to others. Michael holds Prince hand and takes him to a rarest sight seeing place. Prince ask

Prince - Where are you taking me?

Michael - My special place where I and my siblings would go whenever my family comes for camping here.... This is our secret place and in this way we leave our parents alone (winking 😉)

Prince got his meaning and followed Michael silently. Few minutes later, they reached the spot and Prince was mesmerized to see the view. They were on top of a mountain, across them was two views. One side view was full of greenery and it had different types of colorful flowers and another side view was dry land and in between the dry and greenery, a small river was flowing down the mountain. Michael ask

Michael - Isn't it beautiful?

Prince was quite for a while as he was admiring the view in front of him. Few seconds later, Prince say

Prince - It is.... Speechless. Thanks for sharing this wonderful place with me (side hugs Michael)

Michael - Glad you liked it?

Prince - I love it more than I like it

They carefully sit on the edge of the mountain and Prince say

Prince - You give me reasons to prove myself that I did not take wrong decision of making you as my boyfriend

Michael smiles ☺️ and say

Michael - That river flows down to our camping site and we use that water for everything

Prince - Where does the water comes from?

Michael - No one knows where does rivers come from

Prince chuckles and say

Prince - You and your smart mouth

Prince hugs Michael from back and keeps his head on Michael's head and they silently admire the beautiful view. Prince ask

Prince - Michael where exactly does our camping grounds come?

Michael - In between this side and that side

Prince - We should go that side for once

Michael - On this summer vacation we can come here when we get break together.

Prince - Sounds like a promising plan

They quietly sit there for a long time. Suddenly Michael s ay

Michael - Prince look the sun is going to set (showing the sun setting)

Prince - This is real feast to my eyes (kissing on Michael's head)

After the sun set, Prince ask

Prince - Does any of your friends know about this place?

Michael - Nope! (shakes his head) We better start going back or else we might get into trouble

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