Chapter 4

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On Wednesday afternoon, after school, Michael and Eddie come in the gym class and see few of their friends trying out for the basketball tryouts. They stand with others and the gym teacher ask

Gym teacher - Only this much? (🤨)

Grace and Prince enter the gym class and Grace say

Grace - Mr. Jonas, Prince will join too

Prince rolls his eyes in annoyance and stands beside Michael. Mr. Jonas say

Mr. Jonas - Ok.... Welcome to basketball tryouts. We are selecting team players for our school. Now let us do some warm ups then I will see who plays well. A week later the list of players will be on the notice board.... Now let us start

Chris and Grace were cheering for the players. 40 minutes later, the players were taking small break. Grace comes to Prince with a bottle of energy drink and she say

Grace - You are doing great (giving the bottle of energy drink)

Prince just nodes his head and drinks the energy drink while seeing Michael. He see Michael from top to bottom. Chris say

Chris - You both are doing great (giving Michael and Eddie a bottle of water)

Eddie - Thanks buddy

Michael - Prince plays well than expected

Mr. Jonas - Ok boys, shall we start again?.... This time you will be playing a fun game, I want to see how you all play as a team

Chris and Grace - All the best Mike, Eddy/ Prince (👍)

Eddie and Michael - Thanks! (smiling 😀😃)

All the players play a game. While passing the basketball 🏀 Prince tripped on his shoelace and accidentally fall on Michael and kiss on Michael's lips. Prince and Michael see each other and gets lost. Grace got worried and runs to Prince and ask

Grace - Babe are you OK? (worried tone)

Michael and Prince got up and look away from each other. Prince say

Prince - I'm fine

Eddie - Mikey are you OK dude? (concerned tone)

Michael - Yeah (nodes his head with a smile 🙂)

They got back to the game. An hour later, the game was over and Mr. Jonas say

Mr. Jonas - You boys played very well. By the end of next week check the notice board to know who made it in the team, now you all can leave and thanks for coming for the tryouts.

At the boys changing room, all the boys were changing their dresses after taking a quick shower. Eddie say

Eddie - Today the game was fun for sure

Chris - You guys played really well

Michael - I really enjoyed playing basketball with others (joyfully) I loved it

Chris - Did you love it because of the game or that Prince kissed you on your lips? (teasingly)

Michael - It was just an accident that's all.... I got to go and prepare for my tuitions so bye (👋)

Chris and Eddie - Bye! (👋)

Michael was walking back home when he thought about the kiss. Michael smile ☺ and thought to himself

Michael's thought - Prince lips were so soft. How will it feel if I kiss him again?

Michael shakes his head and say

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