Chapter 45

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Michael enter into a tent ⛺ and see Prince sleeping 😴 and he also lay beside him as Van was sleeping 😴 in his tent with Eddie for tonight as their teacher has decided. Michael kept seeing Prince. He was admiring Prince's everything from top to bottom. Prince turns around and hugs him and say

Prince - Don't keep seeing me like that and try to sleep

Michael - How do you know it is me who is seeing you?

Prince opens his eyes and see Michael and say

Prince - I easily know who is beside me

Michael - That's how I'm asking how

Prince - Your smell

Michael - How's your dad doing?

Prince - Dolly is with him

Michael - You and Morris cooked better than usual

Morris - Both lovers sleep and let me sleep too (sleepily tone)

Prince and Michael giggles 🤭 and hug each other and sleep 😴. The next day, Prince wakes up and see he was alone in the tent. He got out of the tent and Van say

Van - Good morning sleepy head. (teasingly) You got up at last before the hungry wolfs finished the breakfast

Prince - How was it sleeping with the loudest person in the world? (smirking 😏 teasingly)

Van - Why the fucking hell you did not warn me about that before? I hardly slept with that snoring monster (annoyed tone)

Prince - I was about to warn you but I went to check on Michael in the restroom

Van - Is your boyfriend is more important than our friendship?

Prince - Sort of.... Yeah (playfully)

Van punch Prince on his arm and Prince went to the restroom and got freshened up and went to the main hall and have his breakfast with others. Half an hour later, Prince didn't see Michael anywhere so he ask Morris

Prince - Where is Mike?

Morris - He and Eddie went into the woods to do some early morning activities. Let us also go there

They went in the forest and see their classmates surrounding their teachers. A teacher say

Teacher - Ok boys and girls, today's activities are cutting woods, collecting berries and marshrooms, collecting and filling water in the barrels and fishing. I don't want any fighting, disagreement and argument and mainly listen to your captain.

Eddie - They are saying this mainly for you, (whispered in Michael's ear 👂) you better do whatever I say if you don't want to get in troubles in the woods.

The teachers gave the students their duties. Eddie and Michael were collecting berries and marshroom. Van, Prince and Morris were cutting, collecting and arranging woods for fire. David, Martha and Chris were collect wastes around the forest. Eddie say

Eddie - Ok listen to me carefully, you collect the marshrooms and I will collect the berries and I want at least four baskets of it

Michael - If the mother nature planned to give us that much then we will take that much as your wish

Eddie - I don't want to hear your mother nature craps and get into the work already you lazy bum (angrily 😡)

Michael rolls his eyes and went to do his job. Eddie shout

Eddie - Meet me here every hour

Michael - Okay (without seeing Eddie)

Prince was cutting the woods which Van was keeping. Morris was collecting the sticks and cut woods and going to the camping place and keep it in its place. Van say

Van - This is fun

Prince - This is bad way to get me back. (whining tone) My hands are paining a lot

Morris - Prince is it true that you are planning to go to college? (seeing Prince)

Prince - Yeah, (nodes his head) I thought to follow my dream

Morris - Have you planned the college?

Prince - Yes but I don't know if I will get in there

Van - You can get in sports scholarship

Prince - I hope I get it or else I have to go to community college.

Chris comes to them mumbling to himself and say

Chris - Martha is crazy, she should be in mental hospital.

Morris - I have been saying that to my mom for years

Chris - Because of her craziness I get scolding from David for no reason

Prince - I heard from someone that Martha Stewart is loving David Warner

Chris - That someone name is Michael Jackson

Morris and Van laughs 😂 🤣 while Prince was blushing. Chris say

Chris - I never seen Michael like this. But he is better without Eddie than with him. Prince I got to say you something important (seeing Prince seriously)

Prince - What? (seeing Chris)

Chris - Next term Randy will join our school so be careful

Prince got his point and say

Prince - We will manage two more years without anyone's doubting us

Chris - Be more careful with Eddy, he will do anything to get close to Michael. He will hurt anyone to get whatever he wants.

Prince was getting his point as Michael has told him few things Eddie did to his previous ex-girlfriends. Chris say

Chris - I got to go now but do remember my warning for you dude

Chris went to his team. Morris say

Morris - Let us get back to work as we have few more woods to cut

Michael got two baskets full of marshrooms and Eddie shout

Eddie - That's all you got

Michael - That's all was there and be glad that we got this much

Eddie - I knew you were worthless and useless. Good thing I got some marshrooms too with me

Michael - Did you check them before taking it? (🤨)

Eddie - Who care as long as we have enough food to eat for lunch and dinner (irresponsible tone)

Michael - Edward it can be poisonous and anyone can get sick (angrily 😡)

Eddie - Like I am going to eat it (teasingly taunts) and like I damn fucking care about others brainless kids. (casually) Now take the baskets and let us go and don't throw anything away from the baskets or else you will regret it badly Jackson! (ordering and commanding tone)

Michael prepared himself for everything going to happen for a week and did as Eddie just said.


Sorry for the spelling mistakes, grammar and typing errors

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