𝒙𝒊. all hell breaks loose

Start from the beginning

          Casey looked around, wondering how the hell she got out. She had hoped that maybe Spencer would be there, with open arms and telling her he was taking her home to see their son, she'd longed for the feeling to hug him for a while.

          "Hey," A voice chirped up but it wasn't the once she wanted but nonetheless was happy to see Rossi standing in front of her. She sighed a little in disappointment but smiled. "I take it I wasn't the person you were hoping for?" Rossi guessed and Casey shrugged, "Of course you were, Rossi. I mean, who else would've had the money to bail me out?"

           Rossi had come to the woman with open arms and Casey had hugged him. "It's good to see again, kiddo." He tells. "It's good to see you, too." Casey pulls away. "And... thank you."

            "Of course, but, uh, before we can take you home, we got a situation with the BAU." Rossi told and the two began to walk to Rossi's car. "It doesn't really concern me now, does it?" Casey questions. "I mean, I'm not really a part of the BAU. I never really have been."

Rossi nods, "I figured you would say that. Which is why it's all the more reason for you to come with." Rossi gets into the drivers seat and rolls down the passenger's side window and looks towards Casey standing there. "You just gonna stand out there and smell the flowers?"

Casey sighs and gets in the vehicle as Rossi drives them all the way to Casey's house so she can pick up a change of clothes and after that, they make their way to Emily's apartment complex. The door had been open and Rossi had been in front of Casey and made his appearance announced. "Sorry, I'm late. I had to pick something, or someone... up."

             Rossi looks towards Casey and scoots as Casey enters and sees Emily, Garcia, JJ and Spencer in the room. "Hi, guys." Casey smiles a bit.

            Casey swears she'd had never seen Garcia hand her laptop over to someone so fast to engulf Casey in a huge hug. "Jesus, Mary and Joseph! You're here! You're here, you're not in that awful place!" Garcia hugs Casey tightly for a minute or so. "Pen, kinda... can't... breathe." She lets out. "Oh, sorry." Garcia pulls away.

            JJ then goes in to hug Casey next. "Hey." JJ smiles as she wraps her arms around Casey. "Hi." Casey says back. Their hug lasts for about thirty seconds and Casey pulls away and Emily comes up and pats Casey on the shoulder and back.

           Casey's eyes thwart to Spencer, who's standing by the boards and he looks like he doesn't even know what to do. He sticks his hands in his pockets and then pulls them out and can't help but stare right at Casey like she was the only person in the room.

            Casey looks at Spencer and walks towards him. "Hey." She greets. "H-Hi." Spencer stutters and the two just stand in front of one another until the two both give it and hug one another. Spencer wraps his arms around her torso and she wraps hers around his neck.

            Eventually, Casey pulls away and looks at Spencer. "Christopher. Is he okay?" She asks. "He's perfectly fine. He's with Leah tonight." Casey sighs, "I missed him. I kept every one of his drawings I received."

Casey then turns towards Emily. "Um, do you think I could use your shower? I didn't really have time to..." Emily nods, "Of course. Go right ahead, by all means. We have time before Luke, Tara and Matt get here anyways." Emily nods and Casey heads towards the bathroom and locks the door and sighs, since she now has the privilege to pee without an audience.

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