•Part 19 | Adult Fun to Childish Fun•

Start from the beginning

"Yeah- you're right. Sorry, it's what I usually do when my hat falls off." He said nervously. This kid was a nervous wreck, but you didn't mind, he just needed some confidence. "So your natural reaction? I guess that's fair. It's how I feel about my eye. But can I see that birthmark again?" You asked as you adjusted how you were sitting. He nodded and pulled off his hat, pushing up his hair a bit so you could see the birthmark on his forehead, and it looked like the Big Dipper.

"So that's how you got the nickname huh?" You said as you looked at the birthmark. "I don't know why I thought Dipper was your actual name though- I guess I have never heard your real name. What is it by the way?" You asked as you looked him in the eye again. He put his hat back on and shrugged. "I-it's Mason.." Dipper responded. "Oh-! Like Stanford and Stanly both start with 'Stan', it's just the beginning is 'M' with you and Mabel. Twin thing I guess." You said with a shrug and a smile.

"Speaking of 'twin things' do you and Mabel have like- twin telepathy or something?" You asked Dipper. "Well no, but we have this thing where we sneeze at the exact same time." He said as he kept saying out a map for D, D, and more D. "Oh, that's- both weird and cool." You said as you helped Dipper 0 the map. You both were having fun, drawing, talking, and making a few jokes for God knows how long. All you knew was that you started getting tired.

"Hey Dipper, this has been fun, but I'm tired as- uhh.." You stopped yourself before saying 'tired as hell' because you still considered Dipper a kid, despite him being 13 and technically a teenager. But he seemed to get what you were saying. "I get it. Thank you though- this has been great- I'd love to do this again, maybe with great uncle Ford next time?" Dipper offered as he stood up. You felt yourself blush a bit as you remembered what you and Ford had done earlier. "Yeah, maybe..if he isn't busy of course- he seems to be kinda busy often." You said as you stacked up all the scattered papers and handed them to Dipper.

Dipper thanked you and left your room, and you plopped back down on your bed with a heavy sigh. You looked out the window, and thought about going on another walk, but didn't wanna run into that thing again. You thought about asking Ford to go with you but didn't wanna bother him, especially after what happened earlier. You started thinking about a walk around town, but you already knew the town so there was no fun in that. Maybe you should just sneak out for a walk? But then somebody would be mad about you leaving.

You contemplated going for a walk for a while, and where if you chose to, until you heard heavy and slow footsteps approaching your door. You knew it had to be Stanley or Stanford because the smaller twin's footsteps could never be that heavy. You waited in your bed because you didn't know if whoever it was would come to your door or just walk right by.

Whoever it was, knocked on the door lightly. "Y/N. May I come in?" It was Ford, and he sounded slightly flustered. You could guess why as you stood up and walked over to the door before opening it. "Hey, Ford. What's up?" You said while looking him in the eyes. His hair was all messed up and he looked redder than hell itself. You smirked at his appearance.

"About earlier- Stanley would not let me hear the end of it if he found out what happened, and the kids don't need to know about it, so you think you can keep what happened between us, only between us?" He spoke slightly quicker than normal, probably out of embarrassment. "Yeah, that's fair. My lips are sealed Fordsie." You said warmly to Ford. He smiled back.

"Thank you Y/N." He said before pulling you close to him, you could feel your face get red. "No problem, dear." You said calmly back to him. His smile grew as his hand went to the back of your head and he kissed your forehead. You chuckled a bit and wrapped your arms around him.

"It's late you know, do you wish to stay in my room tonight?" Ford asked as he looked down at you. "That sounds good to me." You said softly while looking up at him. He started walking to his room with his arm over your shoulders. You realized why you were still so sore from earlier, your gut was still injured from that monster, and the pain was setting in, but you didn't wanna ruin this moment with Ford, so you kept quiet about it.

When you two got to his room, he opened the door for you, and walked in behind you, shutting it softly. It was very neat. Papers and books were organized on a desk and bookshelf and the bed was made. As your back was turned to Ford because you were looking at his neat room, he had taken off his trenchcoat and surprised you by wrapping it around you. You were shocked and yelped, kinda quietly, but only for a second, then you started laughing, as he was laughing with you. God, he sounded so hot when he laughed.


Hope this was worth the wait, sorry about not uploading but good news on my part, apart from high school: I GOT A JOB!
I'm still gonna try and upload chapters to this story, but I was thinking about making another story? Another reader x Stanford ofc, but maybe with either a reader with the same birth defect as Ford or a monster reader, but I'll let you guys decide if I should do any of that.

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