arcade | ushijima wakatoshi

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( part two of lunch | ushijima wakatoshi! )

it's now after school, and you're sat on your bed, scrolling on your phone and waiting to be picked up.

suddenly, a car honks outside. you grab your bag/purse and head out of your house, locking the front door behind you.

"y/n!" tendou and goshiki yell out in unison from the car as semi gets out of the drivers seat, opening the back door for you. you wave to the group, nearing semi's car.

"thanks!" you look into the back seat before getting in, "where's uh.. where's shirabu?" you see ushijima sitting in the middle, and goshiki on the other side.

"funny story," tendou starts as you're getting in the car, "he cancelled last minute! something with having to 'help a friend out..'"

"hm." you shrug it off, pressing up against the side of the door in hopes ushijima has enough space to himself between you and goshiki.


after a lengthy car ride of tendou talking about nonsense, semi finally parks in the lot of the arcade. the five of you go inside, semi and goshiki parting ways after you all buy tokens.

"hey," tendou excitedly pats ushijima's chest, "skeeball rematch! y/n, come play too!" he grabs your hand, pulling you over to the game, with ushijima following close behind.

"waka-kun is actually amazing at this, we come here every week just so i can try beating him.. but, it never happens. maybe you'll be my good luck charm this time!" tendou says as the three of you reach the skeeball lanes.

ushijima puts a few tokens in the machine right of you as you do the same, starting up the first round.

you roll the small ball up the ramp in a bowling motion, but only score the lowest possible, ten points.

"oh." you purse your lips, slowly looking over to tendou.

he returns the look, "here, let me try." he reaches out for one of the balls, so you move out of the way, "i'm kind of a professional~~" he rolls the ball around the palm of his hand, blowing on it as if he's polishing it off.

you watch as ushijima side eyes tendou, who actually rolls the ball like a bowling ball, sliding one foot behind the other like the 'professional' he is.

"boom!" tendou makes the ball into the forty pot, pointing at ushijima, "didya' see that, ushiwaka! that was such a good shot, right?" he looks to you, moving out of the way to give you your lane back.

you nod, "better than i could do!"

"c'mon, you got this one, for sure!" tendou cheers you on.

as you're about to roll the ball up the ramp, ushijima sighs, catching you completely off guard.

"what?" your eyebrows raise, surprised he showed an actual emotion.

he moves closer to you, "you need less force." he picks up one of your balls and puts it in your hand, "it's not a bowling ball."

he puts his hand on the back of yours, showing you the 'correct' way. with his guidance, the ball gets into the fifty pot.

"you make it look so easy.."

"try it yourself now." he stands by his machine, waiting for your next move.

you pick up another ball, using around the same amount of force ushijima had used to roll the ball up the ramp, getting it into the one-hundred pot almost perfectly.

ushijima lets out a short, amused huff with a small smile on his face, "yeah, like that."

"amazing shot, y/n!" tendou gives you a round of applause, "i knew you'd be good luck!"


the few rounds of skeeball end with ushijima coming out victorious, beating you and tendou by a couple hundred points each time.

"you should come with waka-kun and i again next week! it looks like you're his new competition~" tendou teases.

ushijima looks at you, and then to tendou, his face less stoic than usual.

"i'll take that as a yes.. you can even give y/n more tips!" tendou winks, "maybe she'll even win~~"

"hm." ushijima gives you a playful, smug look, walking away from you and tendou with his arms crossed.

you can't help but giggle, since you've never seen this side of him.

tendou laughs, "let's go find the others! you have got to see how, surprisingly, good semisemi is at basketball."

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