the bar | oikawa tooru

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on vacation in brazil, you're currently at some random bar, drowning yourself in drinks after getting into an argument with your best friend over the stupidest shit.

"mind if i sit here?" an unknown voice puts their hand down on the stool next to you, slowly sitting down. you look up from your glass to see a tall guy with perfect brown hair and eyes, and an amazing tan..

you're unable to reply, your mouth slightly ajar as you admire his features.

"i'll take that as a yes..! i'm tooru oikawa, you are?" the newly introduced male holds a hand out to you.

"i.." you open your mouth to speak while gazing at oikawa, but nothing comes out. his beauty has just left you speechless. "shit."

"what's wrong?" his eyebrows raise.

"you're so pretty~~" you bite at your bottom lip, bringing your hand up to oikawa's face to tuck his hair behind his ear. you lean closer to him, placing your other hand on his thigh to keep yourself somewhat stable, inching closer to his lips.

"h- heh- wh- wait-" oikawa breaks into a giggling fit, "how drunk are you?"

"i'm na.." your eyes widen and your eyebrows furrow, "i'm not drunk! are you insulting me?!"


you retrieve your hands from him, crossing your arms. "you hate me."

"what? i don't even know you!"

you take a last swig of your alcohol, shooting up from your stool, almost knocking it over. "i'm leaving!" you slam the glass down on the counter, walking off from oikawa.

"hey- wait for me! i can't let you out like this alone!" oikawa follows as you speed walk out of the bar, a strong gust of wind stopping you as you step outside. you make slightly wobbly steps over to the sidewalk to cross the street, but can't move forward once hands are placed on your shoulders.

"help! i'm being—" you snap your head back to see oikawa, "oh, hi~" you shrug his hands off of your shoulders to fully turn around to him, putting your hands on his cheeks.

"do you have a ride?" he tries lightly pulling your hands away from his face. your eyes go from his eyes to his lips multiple times, not being able to focus on what he's saying.

"right now?" you quickly move your hands to the bottom of your top, starting to slide it off.

"no, no, n- what're you doi- oh my god!" oikawa sputters, wrapping his hands around your wrists to stop you from undressing on the side of the road.

"i can't ride you?"

oikawa's eyes widen. "no— i asked if you have a ride home..?" he slowly speaks.

"ohh.. no." you sit down on the sidewalk, bringing your knees up to your chest. you hadn't thought of that part earlier.

oikawa crouches down next to you. "you can go back with me to my hotel room, if you want!"

you throw your arms around him, making him nearly lose his balance as you press your cheek onto his.

"i'll take this as a yes too.." oikawa carefully gets up, picking you up from your underarms and wrapping one of your arms around his shoulders after to keep you up.


the two of you walk up the road for a few minutes, arriving to what you assume is the hotel oikawa's staying at, going up a few floors in the elevator.

oikawa sits you down on a small couch upon entering his hotel room, kneeling in front of you. "make yourself at- uh.. home?"

you lay down, immediately passing out once your head hits the cushion.

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