karaoke | bokuto koutarou

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today is the day of you and bokuto's anniversary, celebrating the one year you've been together. little did you know, he was planning something very special just for you, getting his friends in on it as well.

after taking you out to a very fancy and romantic dinner, he's anticipating the arrival home after picking up akaashi and hinata.

"babe, what's this suprise you've been talking about for the past three weeks?" you question as akaashi pulls into your driveway, looking at bokuto from the rear view mirror.

"you'll see shortly! just- you'll see, i can't say anything or akaashi will kill me for dragging him along!" he eagerly taps his fingertips on his thigh, waiting for akaashi to park. akaashi parks the car and the three scramble inside. through the living room window, you can see bokuto pacing back and forth while hinata tries to comfort him, akaashi turning on the tv.

after a few minutes, akaashi gets your attention from the same window, gesturing for you to come inside. you get out of the car, your anticipation skyrocketing more now than ever.

as you enter the house, hinata pulls you from the front door and to the living room, sitting you on the couch.

"press play, akaashi!" bokuto exclaims while beaming at you with the biggest grin ever. the trio starts singing along to "love story" by taylor swift, surprisingly quite good. you're still confused about what's going on though.

"i got tired of waiting, wondering if you were ever coming around." bokuto carefully sings, reading off the tv screen.

"my faith in you was faaading~" hinata now sings, his voice cracking.

"when i met you on the outskirts of town, and i said-" akaashi looks at bokuto, who's rummaging through his dress pants pocket.

"romeo, save me i've been feeling so alone." hinata sings again.

"i keep waiting for you, but you never come." akaashi finishes monotonously.

"is this in my head, i don't know what to think- he knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said.." akaashi and hinata sing in unison before bokuto kneels down in front of you, pulling a ring box out of his pocket and opening it to an engagement ring.

"marry me, y/n, you'll never have to be alone. i love you and that's all i really know!"

the song finishes as you sit there, basically frozen in shock as tears slowly begin to roll down your cheeks.

"will you marry me, y/n?" bokuto questions while panting, as if the karaoke was the hardest thing in the world. you nod while sniffling, your eyes cloudy.

"of course i'll marry you, kotarou!" you lean down and wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him into your chest. bokuto stands up straight, you wrapping your legs around his torso as he holds onto your ass. bokuto thanks akaashi and hinata for their contribution before shooing them away. they leave the house as bokuto throws you onto the couch, laying on top of you and kissing you all over your face, saying "i love you" in between all of them.

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