"Sir, I would love to say Wild but after you traded Maroon..." I shook my head, "Gotta go with the Blues sir."

He nodded, "I would've taken you more of a Penguins or Kraken fan with your right swing. But Blues?" He shook his head and clicked his tongue.

"Two very different teams. I hope you're comparing me to Konav and not Bryan Rust."

"I would never disrespect someone like that." He stood up, "It was lovely to meet you Natalie. I hope we see more of you."

"I agree, sir. Have a good evening." I looked at Mrs. Santoro, "You as well, Mrs Santoro."

She smiled, "Just call me Diane. Mrs. Santoro makes me feel like my inlaw and I can't handle that until I reach my 50s."

"Of course."

Diane looked at Scarlett and smiled. Then she looked at Chip, "Do the dishes."


"No." And she walked away. Boss bitch.

Scarlett grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs, "So they're at the gala. Chip is leaving for Stacy's house in about an hour. Angelina goes to bed pretty early but Henry never even sleeps. His room is in the basement though so I doubt he'll bother us." She let go once we reached her room, "Sorry about my dad. Once he starts in about hockey, he'll never stop."

How do I tell her I liked it? How do I tell her that my father would never and hers just made up for the lack of parenting I have at home. "I am the same way."

She smiled and laid across her bed, arms stretched over her head, "Remind me not to ask you about hockey then."

I couldn't help but stare at her. Because Scarlett Santoro is gorgeous. And we're friends. And we had dinner with her family. And I think she likes me.

She sat up, "How do you feel about V for Vendetta?"

I smiled, "It's only my favorite movie in the world."

She smiled as well, "We have something in common."


We watched V for Vendetta at 9:14 precisely. Then, at 11:28, we had a discussion about what we think the movie means. At 11:54, we started The Fault In Our Stars. We cried and went up to her room at 1:03. That was six minutes ago.

"Wanna listen to music?" She kneeled in front of her large collection of vinyls. Floor to ceiling bookshelves full. "I have a lot of slow stuff we could chill to."

I nodded, "I'm down for whatever." I sat on the left side of the bed, remembering she likes the right more.

She held up a Cigs after Sex Vinyl. "Cry is my favorite."

I smiled, "I love Cigs after Sex."

She laughed and put the disc gently onto her old record player, "I love falling asleep to them. I'm just really happy this thing has an automatic stop or I would have to get up again." She walked to her dresser, "Want a pair of pajama pants?"

"Yeah actually. I'm pooped."

She threw me a pair of checkered pajamas that I decided she'll never see again. They're so soft and they look so warm.

"You can change in the bathroom and just come out when you're done when you're done."

I shrugged, "We're both girls here." I stood up, "It doesn't really matter."

She looked away from me, "Right." She turned the music up and stayed facing away from me.

Now I'm certain.

"I have to pee anyway." I walked into the bathroom and changed. I noticed she left the toothbrush she let me borrow in her toothbrush holder on the sink. And for some reason, that made my heart very happy.

I changed slowly then sat on the toilet and texted Sydney back. All of my friends are very curious about what Scarlett and I do at sleepovers. But it's nothing like what they think. Literally.

It's 1:13 am and we just watched two of my favorite movies.

SYDDYTITTY [11:41 pm]
what are you two doing??

yoda mama [11:56 pm]
they prob fucking rn leave her be

mo baby [12:00 am]
why are we jumping to that conclusion??
im at yodas house

SYDDYTITTY [12:11 am]

mo baby [12:36 am]
whats that supposed to mean

yoda baby [12:42 am]

SYDDYTITTY [12:59 am]

we're just chilling

I walked out of the bathroom and found her sitting on the right side of the bed, the main lights off and the lamps next to her bed on. She's wearing a silk pajama set. Light pink. It's beautiful.

"Ready for bed?" I sat next to her.

She stared at her hands, "Well, actually. I thought we could talk." She looked at me, "I don't like Olivia Ramsey."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "She's on your team?"

She looked at me, "I don't like her."

"Okay. Why?" I looked between her eyes.

"Because she liked you."

Butterflies erupted in my stomach. If it wasn't bad enough that I'm in my crushes bed wearing her clothes. I'm friends with her. I've accomplished something I've only dreamed of. And now, she's telling me she doesn't like someone because they like me.

"I mean, it's all she talks about. And if it wasn't so frustrating, it might be cute." She shrugged, "I don't like her."

"But I don't understand?"

She smiled at me and ran the back of her hand over my cheek, "How can you not?"

I stared at her, unable to look away.

She looked at my lips and I swear we were going to kiss. We both started to lean in. It was going to happen. I could feel it in my stomach.

But Angelina knocked on the door.

And we sprang apart faster than I could process what was happening.

"Could you take me to Landon's in the morning? His mom said it was okay and I already asked Dad but they aren't going to be back until tomorrow evening." She leaned against the doorframe.

Scarlett sighed, "Yeah. Why did you ask me at 1 am?"

"Because you're still awake." She shrugged and looked between us. Maybe it was how close we were. Maybe it was how fast we jumped apart when she came in. But a smile crept over her lips, "I'll go now."

"Yeah, you do that." Scarlett stared daggers in her direction.

Angelina closed the door.

Scarlett turned off her light, "Goodnight."

I laid next to her, "Goodnight Scarlett."

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