"I don't know." I mumbled, still not being able to actually tell her.
"Don't lie to me Lia." She scolded me. I lifted my head and furrowed my eyebrows together a little.
What?" I said a little louder.
"I know she's your girlfriend, and I know it's the 3 month anniversary." She said. her words took me by such a surprise that I took in a breath which got caught up in my throat, causing a coughing fit.
"Jeez Lia did you really think I didn't know?" Saph laughed a little as she spoke. I managed to stop myself coughing and cleared my throat several times.
"Did she tell you!?" I asked, unable to stop my tone from sounding shocked.
"No one had to tell me, it's pretty obvious." She told me. I cocked my head to the side a little.
"It is?" I asked hesitantly.
"Uh, yeah. You call her every morning before work and then you FaceTime every night until you fall asleep, and on days you don't work you spend them out with her. I know how a relationship works." She practically told me my daily routine.
"Um..I don't know what to say now.." I said in a whisper.
"You don't need to say anything. Just know that I know, and I'm really happy for you both." She spoke softly. This didn't quite seem like Saph, the Saph I knew would make some sarcastic joke, or say-
"I told you so..just by the way." She cut off my thoughts with exactly what I was thinking. I gave her a weird look, then looked out the window. Yeah, that was the Saph I knew.

Demi's POV

It was about 12:30pm. After I called Lia I showered and got dressed, nothing special just yet, a skater skirt, top and a flannel shirt over the top. I left my newly dyed blonde hair down falling past my shoulders in loose waves, my full fringe resting at my eyebrows. I grabbed my black studded creepers, and pulled them on my feet, then grabbed my shoulder bag, threw my keys, phone and purse in there and picked up a pair of sunglasses.

I stood by the front door, there was a full length mirror beside it, and gave myself a look over. Not too bad, I thought to myself. I grabbed a hat from the coat stand which I'd left there and placed it on my head, then pulled my phone out of my bag. I stepped back and took a selfie in the mirror (A/N: pic on the side) and then shoved my phone back in my bag. Twitter can have that later, I thought.


"Demi! Where are you going!?"

"Demi I'm your biggest fan!"

"Hey Demi what did you buy!?"


I struggled to push through paps to get to Marissa's car in the parking lot outside the mall. They were swarming me. I put my arm over my face to block out the flashes from their cameras, and tried to walk faster, but couldn't get past them.
"Can you move out my way." I said as loud as I could to try to get over their voices.
"Are you going to see Wilmer?" They kept asking about him. I shoved forwards, bumping into a few of them.
"Excuse me." I said after clearing my throat to speak louder. I almost broke into a sprint as I managed to escape the crowd of them, but I didn't, just sped up my walk so I didn't seem like a freak running away. I heard someone yelling from behind me, and the uproar of the paps seemed to die down a little. I quickly looked over my shoulder to see a rather tall, very muscular man wearing a navy shirt and ripped jeans holding his arms out to the side to block off the paps.
"Move out the way c'mon now, move it! Let's go! Show's over!" The guy shouted, causing all the paps to turn and walk away. I turned back and headed to the car, opening the trunk and putting the shopping bags in there, then shutting it.
"Excuse me! Miss!" I heard someone shout. I looked up, holding my arm over my head to block the sun. The tall guy came jogging over to me, his arms were held out in front of him, almost as a barrier between the two of us.
"Are you alright miss?" He spoke with a thick southern accent. I gave him a weak smile and nodded.
"I'm okay. Thanks for that..back there." I indicated to behind him. He let his arms drop and he shrugged.
"Not the first time I've dealt with those kinds of people, glad I could help you out, miss." He accepted my gratitude.
"Have a good day now." He spoke, nodding his head and turning around to walk away. I remained silent, and just got in Mar's car, then resting my arms over the steering wheel and let my head drop on them. It felt like the walls were closing in on me as I forced myself not to cry. I took a breath. And another. And another. But I felt like I couldn't breathe; what if I run out of oxygen? My heart rate began to speed up, and so did my breathing. No Demi get your shit together. Don't fuck up now. I repeated the same things over and over in my head in an attempt to calm myself down. I felt a sharp pain in my chest, causing me to cry out. My hand flew to my chest and my breathing sped up even more. I fumbled with the handle on the door, trying to get it open to let in some air. I finally managed to push it open and I set one of my feet on the ground, letting my body slump down and take in the air. As the breeze hit my face I felt my cheeks become a lot colder, and I raised a hand to my face to find tears down my cheeks. I wiped them off and sat back in my seat properly, closing the car door. I evened out my breathing for a few seconds and then grabbed my phone from my bag. I scrolled through my contacts until I found Sapphire, and I tapped on her contact to call her.

Love, Demi (lesbian story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant