032: The lost art of Murder

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|Alysanne Valentine|

The scent of nicotine was too familiar, the harshness wrapping around my senses. Sinnius smoked frequently, it would be impossible not to recognize his type of brand. He smokes occasionally but when he is severely stressed and the loneliness becomes intense, that when he smokes every ten to twenty minutes. His lungs are probably charred and roasted to the point of no return.

When he first arrived, my insomnia was at its peak therefore I went to the kitchen to make some chamomile tea. That's when I spotted Sinnius, a cloud of smoke concealing his features as if he wasn't real. Ebony sweatpants that hung loosely on his hips, you could see the prominent V on his sculptured body. Sinnius is toned and defined, his muscles resembling a MMA fighter with a prominent eight pack that you could not help but look at. He was tan with a subtle glow, a few questionable scars that resembled bullet wounds on different parts of his body. His inky hair is messy as he runs his fingers through them for the fifth time.

Sinnius would stare at the pool or switch to the forest, completely unmoving but the stress couldn't be concealed on his face. He was torturing himself. I simplified it down to it being due to his living arrangements since people require time to adjust. However, he would be outside in that same spot every night, that's when I figured out how lonely he must be.

No family, no one who loves him, not even a friend that would stand by him.

After a week of seeing him fight his inner demons, that's when I decided to be on his side. Sinnius is a handful; confessing his feelings to me on many occasions, trying to make me hate Azarov or infuriate him even more but he has no one. I found those emotions at night to be real, they weren't filtered for any purpose because they brought him more agony.

In this moment, the honey intertwining the emeralds in his emotionless eyes, I can only see someone who is alone in the world.

What am I supposed to do with that? It hurts to see that.

Then I remember how he threatened Corvina and that fury overrules the sensitive side of my brain.

"You were going to hurt Cora." I bite.

He smirks, playfulness contouring his features, "Aww, aren't you the least bit happy to see me? Didn't you say that you would miss me?"

"This is not the Sinnius I know."

Sinnius is towering over me as I arch to look at him. I feel his knuckles trace my cheek, his exterior oozes mischief but I'm good at deciphering when I look into peoples eyes.

Nothing remains behind his, almost like a black hole that leaves him endlessly falling.

"They both have the same demons," he whispers.

I had to ask him this question, I needed to know the answer before making my final decision. "Would you have hurt her?"

He retracts his hand, placing some distance between us and slipping a cigarette between his lips, sparking a flame. Inhaling harshly for a long time, holding that sensation to let the nicotine work its play through his tense body.
When he releases through his nose, resembling a dragon.

"I will hurt anyone for what I want, I'm a monster, remember?" his wicked smile mirroring a blood thirty animal.

Lies. I can see right through him.

Rotating my head against my shoulders, to ease the knots that are growing from being restricted.

"What is your plan exactly?"

He laughs, shifting one hand into his pocket while the other remains on his cigarette, taking a pull.

"You. All to myself." his penetrating voice declares, a sparkle in his eye.

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