006: Twin flames

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|Azarov Iatova|

Izaak Pierce is a man built for intimidation. Alysanne and the blonde known as Jaevry followed his instructions without hesitation, even with the familiarity between the pair, they didn't question his authority and seemingly followed his request.

We weren't left to wallow in the silence that held the air with a sort of supremacy, no doubt radiating from his aura. The man is calculating and observant from what I have gathered, his moves are unpredictable and that is the many factors that ensure he is rather lethal than he lets on. Izaak has everyone under surveillance, knowing their moves before they even make it; he practically dominates the underworld.

And no one has figured it out yet.

To think he couldn't foresee the repulsive man groping Alysanne, it made my stomach churn with disgust and yearn to afflict torture to his puny body. There was a flicker when he first touched her, I saw the fear devouring her insides. It was more than just discomfort, Alysanne hid that emotion well after recomposing herself. However, I doubt she realized for that split second. I was aware of the suffering engulfing her whole.

There were plenty of ways I found to eradicate him, to burn his flesh and feast his bones to animals. If Alysanne hadn't killed him, he would be screaming out of agony due to my hands. I would rip him apart but not kill him. No, he needed to taste helplessness first. Then only when he begs for death, when that soul of his is dead, then I will leave him to die.

Izaak inspected me from head to toe, without a lick of emotions on his face. The action of him crossing his arms against his chest is a means of intimation. This a courtesy extended towards me in an act of warning. Regardless if Izaak is God's-eye, he should be aware of the simple fact that I do not quake in fear for anyone. Let alone a man who I have no relations to besides one single person.

"Mr. Iatova, you are a father and therefore I suppose you will understand me when I tell you this."

I shouldn't be surprised that he knows about my daughter, after all he does have spies all around the world. Cora isn't a secret, anyone who does a lot of digging will become known to that fact, I don't parade my baby in front of people she doesn't know, that's the only difference. Although I could have refused to listen to his words, the mannerism in which he structured that sentence is feeding my curiosity, Mainly because I want to know whether this involves the person currently invading my mind.

"If your intentions with Alysanne are romantic, I suggest you act on those feelings, if not. The relationship should remain platonic."

Certainly he has left me speechless for a moment. The obvious undertone is that Alysanne isn't married to him but what's astonishing is the truth laced in his words, If I want to pursue a relationship with Alysanne, I should act quickly but if not then I should take a step back from the intensity.

Which side of the story did he base this statement on?

"What are you talking about?"

I wasn't uncomprehensive, I know what he is implying but I want to push for more details. Back then when I first met her, I did entertain the thought when I watched her interactions with Corvina. It could have been so easy to give into our emotions and become this happy family.

Life isn't fair and that was just a fantasy.
It has been two years since we have seen each other, people change in that time. I am not aware of the person she is and neither is she of me, we were cocooned in a bubble back then without knowledge of our pasts. We couldn't play pretend forever.

My main priority and goal in my life is to protect my baby. It's the only reason I accepted the position of The High Table member. Regardless if it does come with strings attached, there is more protection involved that I cannot provide by myself. The last thing on my mind is a relationship. I don't have the time nor the emotional capabilities.

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