008: Mr and Miss Chaos

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|Azarov Iatova|

"Princess, your birthday is in three days. What do you want to do for your party?"

My baby is beaming with her dazzling smile. Nothing could even compare to how much I treasure her. Corvina is entirely ethereal, day by day her beauty continues to bloom.

Corvina's jet-black hair is rather curly due to my genes, however they cascade down her back in delicate waves. Those sparkling silver orbs that frankly turn crystal white on many occasions. Without a doubt, they always held this sort of happiness I strive to give my baby girl. Even with the turbulence of life hindering her with one parent, Cora didn't feel like she lacked anything.

How did I get so lucky?

"Are you going to come?" her soft voice brought an ache to my chest, I haven't seen her in four days and it's driving me into hysterics.

Through video chat I still felt I was missing vital time with her however the threat at large wouldn't hesitate to take her away from me. I wasn't fully informed on this enemy; their motives would remain unknown until I find out who they are.

"Baby, I never miss your birthday." I smiled.

The action and words fed into her tiny soul as she sunk further into the couch.

"True. Hmm, I want Beauty and the Beast!"

If you aren't familiar with this tradition, allow me to elaborate. Ziana and Corvina have the option to choose a themed birthday party since they started talking.

Ziana's current favourite Disney movie is
Cinderella. Therefore, Katarina and Zion threw an extravagant ball for her birthday. However, it became a mess when Prince brought along his nephew Hunter. Highlights of the evening included Zion punching Prince when Hunter kissed Ziana's cheek, partly due to Katya's persistence.

One thing is perfectly clear; Corvina is entirely obsessed with Beauty and the Beast. After recently watching the live action version of the movie, there was no going back from that. Surely I understood the appeal of such a movie; Beast is misunderstood with a monstrous appearance, fearing that no one can love a monster. Until Belle shows him that it wasn't his physical appearance that made her fall in love with him, it was his mind, soul and heart. I presume that the amount of times I have watched it has made me grow fond of the story. Some women love the heart and others love the wealth. Rather refreshing to see life through a child's eyes.

"Okay, baby, I'll take care of everything for

Corvina started praising me with adoration in her eyes and I couldn't feel anything more real. Even the smallest actions reciprocated from her makes my dead heartbeat, I couldn't fathom what I have done to deserve such an amazing princess.

"You're the best daddy! Can you come earlier?" A familiar tug on my chest appeared at the mention of her words, Corvina notices the little things and I didn't want her to ever feel abandoned. It has never been my intention to abandon her, I always felt that she thrived more in the presence of Diavolo's home surrounded with love and family. I love her more than all the stars in the sky but I didn't want her to feel empty with not much people to interact with.

I forbid my baby to ever have a life of emptiness, like I had.

"I'll definitely try, princess." Although the smile wasn't genuine.

I furrowed my brows when I didn't hear the usual banter that goes on between the pair when I call, "Where Is Uncle Dio and Aunt Isa?"

She started to giggle, soft sounds of angels, "They went on another trip."

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