"He told me you're a fed." My eyes became big as golf balls, when I heard him say "Fed"

He pressed the barrel of his gun to my temple. I looked at my gun on the table.

"Uh Uh don't even." He grabbed my chin forcing me to lock eyes with him

"Wait wait wait I-I didn't t-tell them anything I swear." I stuttered tears running down my face

"Shh shh." He shushed me

I closed my eyes. I could feel my heart pinging against my chest cavity. Was this really the end?

"Are you a fed?" He asked taking the safety off the gun

"Yes but I don't wanna be anymore." I blurted out all in one breath

"You don't wanna be?" He questioned

"I fell in love with you. I haven't been telling them anything." I stared at him in his eyes

"You fell in love with me? You wanna be a criminal? You risked your job and your freedom for me?" He questioned not believing me.

I shook my head yes.

"Prove it." He coldly replied

"How? I'll do anything just please don't kill me." I rambled on

"Shh shh, You are going to kill Reckless and then hide his body." He slowly whispered in my ear

"O-ok." I never killed anyone before and I knew there was no coming back from this. Once I killed Reckless I was fully converted to the other side. Ace's side.

"But first stand up." He put his gun on the table next to mine

I stood in front of him.

"I fell in love with you too." He confessed picking me up and smashing his lips against mine

I wrapped my legs around his waist accepting his embrace.


"You know I was never gonna kill you right?" I questioned getting up to put my clothes back on

"You were close enough." She blurted giving me a look I couldn't quiet read

"Don't get me wrong that shit is fucked up but I wouldn't kill you I just wanted to scare you." I shrugged as if it were no big deal.

"You ready?" She ignored my comment pulling on her clothes and putting her gun in her waistband.

"Yeah let's go." I grabbed my keys.

"We taking your car again?" She huffed

"Yeah it's faster that yours." I smirked

"It wasn't when I raced you and won twice." She held up two fingers

"I let you win." I winked opening the front door for her to walk through

Sliding into my whip I sent Draco a quick text letting him know I was on my way. I looked over at Kelly to see her scrolling through her phone.

"Aye I wanna talk to you about something and I need you to be honest with me." I turned the music down and took a quick glance at her

"Shoot." She placed her phone in her lap

"I wanna know everything the Feds have on me. Any type of video footage, wire taps any and all information." I glanced at her again and back at the road

"They don't have much they just know you're the head of the Brick Street organization, they know P and Jonica are under you and they play a small part. They wanted me to use them to get close to you to get to me." She uttered slightly looking down

A Thug and His Lady(DAVE EAST FAN FICTION)Where stories live. Discover now