My feet and bare legs were scorching as the flames spread across the floor, and my thin sandals were doing little to protect the skin on the bottom of my feet.

The mask on my face was suffocating. The smoke was suffocating. And now the beam was blocking our way out.

My lungs were screaming as I let out some coughs so powerful they nearly knocked me off my feet. Jax tightened his grip around me. "What do we do!?" I croaked.

"Hang on," Jax said, lifting me from the ground.

I wrapped my arm around his neck. It was so hot it felt like the flesh was melting off of me, and I could feel the sweat on both Jax and I as he held me to his chest. "I see a way out," he coughed.

I tucked my face into his shoulder, too nervous to watch as he carried me through the burning building. I could feel his heart pounding in his chest as we made our way around the flames.

"Fuck," he grunted, taking a step back. I peeled my eyes open.

"What is it?"

"It's fucking blocked again," he cursed, adjusting my weight in his arms as he continued to scan our surroundings.

I tightened my grip around his neck. "Wait! Over there!" I called, pointing at a narrow gap in the flames. Every so often flames would flash over the opening, but it was our only shot. "I can walk if you need."

"No, just hold on to me; it's gonna get really hot, but it'll be okay," he coughed again, "I got you. Close your eyes."

I nodded, curling my body into his and holding myself up as much as I could to take some weight off of his arms. Then, I did as he said, and I closed my eyes.

Jax seemed to stand still for a moment, analyzing the flashovers, and then, he ran. I held on tight until I could feel him slow down, and the rush of cool air as we stepped outside the building.

I was so relieved I wanted to take a deep breath to calm my nerves, but my lungs were burning. Any deep breath I took just set me into a fit of coughs, and it didn't seem like Jax was doing much better.

I couldn't hear much of anything when we were inside, but now I could see that there were already fire trucks and an ambulance parked outside and about to go in.

"Anyone else inside?" One of the firemen asked Jax and I as they headed towards the flames.

"I don't think so," Jax coughed, "but I'd do a sweep."

"Here, let me take her," another fireman offered.

"It's okay, I got her," Jax responded before I could answer for myself. Truthfully, I could have walked, but I was scared, and being held by Jax was comforting. It had been a close call.

"Alright," the fireman said, "both of you go and get some oxygen and let the paramedics check you out."

After a moment, female paramedics were guiding us towards their rig, and Jax placed me gently to sit on the back of the ambulance. "Hey... you okay?" He asked.

"I think so..." I shivered, "Are you?"

"Both of you can sit here; we're gonna have a look," the brunette paramedic said.

Jax took a seat beside me, "Yeah," he finally answered, "I'm good."

Just then the paramedics gave us each an oxygen mask, officially cutting off our conversation. One of the paramedics noticed my trembling, and draped a scratchy blanket over my shoulders. I nodded at her in thanks while a different paramedic checked out my bare legs and feet.

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