Chapter 15

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The insistent ringing of the doorbell and knocking woke me. I sat up groggily from bed. I was trying to sleep in, I guess that was out of the question.

I trudged towards the door and opened it only to find P'Nao and P'Jay.

They looked piss and frantic.  "Finally" P'Jay murmured. They both walked pass me into the apartment.

"P'Jay? I thought I have no schedule today. And P'Nao, what are you doing here, not that you're not welcome, just curious, I guess?"

"Where is he?" asked P'Nao.

"Who?" I asked back, dumbfounded.

"Joong" he almost yelled but controlled himself.

"Oh! He's sleeping" I answered. I was starting to feel that something is seriously wrong.

"Thirak, what's all the commotion?" right then, Joong came out from my bedroom yawning and shuffling his feet.

P'Nao and P'Jay looked over to him like they had seen a ghost. Their reactions baffled me because they knew Joong sometimes slept over and vice versa.

I felt very anxious and very panic. "P'Jay, P'Nao, what's wrong?" I asked tentatively.

They both looked at eachother as if signalling to go first.

"Are you guys dating? Like dating dating? Like boyfriend & boyfriend? Like.." P'Nao asked, rambling over his words.

"They know what is dating? Nao." P'Jay interrupted.

"Well, Are you?" P'Nao asked.I was opening my mouth to answered and "And Don't you dare lie" he continued, I closed my mouth again.

I looked over to Joong and I think our managers' questions woke him right up without any need for caffeine.

"P..".I started

"Yes, we're dating" answered Joong.

I saw shocked, happy, relief and panic expressions in that order in our manager's faces.

I'm not mad at Joong for declaring our relationship like that but I thought we would tell our two managers who love and support us since day one over a nice dinner.

I felt dejected and a bit uncomfortable of the way we let them know that we were dating.

"Oh My God, what do we do? What do we do?" said P'Nao while pacing.

"No kidding? No prank? Right? Joong? Dunk?" inquired P'Jay.

"No, P, no kidding, no prank" I answered him dejectedly.

"How serious is this? A fling? Bed Buddies? One night stand? Curiosity, maybe?" asked P'Nao while staring us down and tapping his feet.

"As serious as getting married someday, eventually" replied Joong while coming over to stand next to me.

"Oh My Lord!" exclaimed P'Nao. He looked like he's on the verge of crying.

"What's wrong, P?" I asked P'Jay.

"So, here's the thing" P'Jay started."There are pictures of you two kissing outside a bar or something and people are speculating stories everywhere."

"What do you mean? What's the big deal?I don't understand?" Joong asked.

"Where were you last night?" P'Jay asked.

"At Phuwin's movie premiere." I answered.

"After the movie premiere?" P'Nao asked.

"The guys and us were hanging out at P'Off's downtown bar."

"I am still lost. What is the meaning of all this questions? You guys know, we hanged out, we have more skinship than other actors on and off camera. Fans love that. So, what's the problem?" Joong exclaimed.

"Usually, there would be no problem, dating or not dating." P'Nao stated and placed his phone and pressed play on a video of what looked like two people kissing on a dimly lit hallway of a bar.

"It's just a video of two people kissing and groping eachother, what's the problem?" I asked.

"Oh Shit!.." Joong sighed beside me.

I looked to him and asked "What?"

He looked at me and said "Shit, let me go take your glasses" and went retrieved said glasses from my room.

"Here, take a look at the video again" he said after returning to my side.

After putting on my glasses, I watched the video again to realize that the two people kissing were Joong and I.

The realization made my legs weak and I had to sit down.

The first thing that came to my  mind is Joong. If this gets out so many things could happen. His family depended on him and if this went wrong, he could be blacklisted. Oh God.

I looked up to him and saw he was stressed, I could see that from the way he grabbed his hair in both his hand and stared into space.

The reason we hid our relationship was, firstly, to have a healthy relationship, and secondly, we were more attractive in the market if we're single. That's the truth for an actor, people liked us more when we're single and available. In show business, the market demand for single actor is more high than a committed actor.

BL actors especially have find it difficult to have relationship because of fans. Most of our fellow BL actors are straight and some have girlfriends as well but when the fans learnt that, they became vicious and toxic.

We are entertainers, actors but we also have a personal life which is totally different from the social media life that we posted. We are also people with real problems. Sometimes, I think fans forgot that.

P'Nao distressed cries turned me back to him. He looked up from his phone while fanning himself with his hand frantically.

"Umm, the CEO....umm.. wants to...umm" he squeaked.

"Who?" P'Jay asked in lost

"What do you mean 'Who'? GMMTV then who else!" P'Nao almost yelled.

"Okay, Okay, First, Nao, get a hold of yourself, we have to be calm and collected when we face him. Second, you two, start telling us when, where and how you started to date. No hiding anything. You have to tell us everything. We need to know from what point and where in your relationship is starting to get real. And third, do that while dressing. Go go go" P'Jay instructed.

As I was going into the bedroom, Joong stopped me and silently held my hand firmly. I knew he wordlessly told me to believe in him and us.

I smiled at him but I have this feeling that the worst is yet to come.

A/n: Hi, Guys. I'm sorry. I couldn't update as frequently. I am not MIA-ing on you guys. I got sick, then my whole family got sick. I guess life happens and I was stumped that Hidden Agenda was over. I hope you guys love this chapter as well. If I made any mistake even grammatically, I'm sorry. I typed this story out in my phone. I  proof-read it thrice sometimes, multiples, to give you the best fanfic. Thank you for being patient. Have fun guys.

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