Chapter 5

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Joong and I started dating in the beginning of the shooting of "Hidden Agenda". We were closed friends since "Star in My Mind". We love to play games, we have the same interests and we clicked right away. I have always mentioned in the interviews that he came to sleepover after knowing eachother for only about a week. I felt comfortable around him, there was no awkwardness between us.

The one thing that confirmed my feelings towards him is our kiss scene. It was my first kiss and I had to give it to a guy and on top of that, it's going to be on television. So, like any normal person, I was nervous. I asked our seniors like P'Tay, P'Off and others. And they told me that it's like any other work of acting, kissing is part of that acting too and that there is no sentimental feelings involved.

The acting coaches and the director wanted to show two male characters who liked eachother.So, they told us to pair up in any given situation, like going to the mall, eating together, etc.

That's what I thought, okay, that I was comfortable around him to even kiss him and feel nothing.

Boy! I was wrong. When we had that kiss, my heart thumped so loud, I had to put my hand over it  to muffle the sound. I could not look him in the eye even after we finished shooting.

I was trying to curb down my growing feelings towards Joong as much as I can. I do not want to inconvenience him if he do not feel the same about me.

I told myself, it's just a crush and that I would get over it. I told that lie over and over again to myself.

We had to do promotions and interviews together and whenever we are in close proximity, I thought I would combust from my fast my heart race. His smile, his way of teasing me, the way he looked at me had me feeling like I was the only one in his world. I tried so damn hard to not be affected.

Worst is when I felt jealous. I would feel jealous of girls or boys that he interacted with. One time, I saw him hugging a teenage girl and he was whispering to her. I was so jealous, I almost cry. I knew that I have no hold over him to even feel jealous.

When he saw me, he gestured me to go over to him. To my addled mind full of jealousy, he introduced me to the girl and told me that she is his little sister.

I was so dumbfounded and my jealousy was so out of place that I just gaped at me. He asked if I was okay and I just nod my head as I do not trust my voice just yet.

I thought that with us finishing "Star in My Mind" promotions, we would see eachother less. Boy! I was wrong! It turned out fans love the series so much and shipped us so much that we had to do various activity or starred in game shows and even do fan meetings.

I was gritting my teeth and tried to tamp down my ever bouncing heart whenever Joong is in the vicinity.

One night, while we were in Hanoi. We were out for dinner just the two of us. And he confessed that he had feelings for me and that even if I do not reciprocate, it does not matter. I was in tears at that point because I thought I was the only one who had the feels all along. I also confessed that I had feelings for him too.

But, we did not date right away as I want him to pursue me and I also want to pursue him. It was fun courting eachother. We always had an amazing time together.

There was a get-together, more like acquainting session before the shooting of "Hidden Agenda" and I was swarmed by our fellow actors and the people present in the get-together.

Joong was a bit stand-offish that night and he looked like he was in a bad mood. I was trying to catch his eye but he avoided me all the time.

So, me being impatient excused us to go home together as the shooting was the next day. I drove him home because I saw that he had a drink or two. When we were outside his condo. He reached for my hand and looked me in the eye and said "P, I'm not satisfied with courting anymore."

Which I thought in my overthinking mind is that he do not like me anymore.

Then he continued with "I want to properly date you."

I was so elated that I just stand there gaping and gawking at him.

He brought his face near me and said "I am going to kiss you and if you do not break the kiss, I am going take it as we're dating from this onwards" and proceeded to kiss me.

Me being still in shocked did not break the kiss and that is how we became a couple and started dating.

A/n: I hope you guys enjoy it. Thank you for reading.Please like, share and follow for more.

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