Chapter 4

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I just finished my first class for the day and was on my way out when I got a call from P'Nao.

"Hello, Nong"


"The Van that was supposed to pick you up is in the workshop"


"We are thinking of an alternative so, you have to wait a bit."

Right then, I had an idea.If this was a cartoon, a light bulb would appear right beside my head.

"You must stressed because of that P. But you know don't worry too much"

"What is there not to worry? If we do not find you a ride, you will be late and punctuality is evrything in showbiz. Remember that!" She sounded so frantic and on the verged of panic.

"Krab, P. It's just that without booking ahead of time, finding a renting van can be quite difficult. And it's almost afternoon now."

"Yeah. I'll call the director ahead of time to notify our situation and..."

"P, you know..P'Dunk is also going there. How about you asks him to give me a ride?" I told P'Nao hesitantly. She was quite for a minute or two.

"Will he be up for it?" she inquired.

"If you asks him, he wouldn't say 'No' to you?"

"Well, I guess...I have to take that chance. Where are you right now?" she asked.

"At Uni, my 2nd class is almost starting and I will be done in about 50 minutes." I informed her.

"Okay, I'll tell him that."

"Okay, P. Bye"

"Bye, Nong"

I was beyond excited, I could fly.

After class ended, there was a text message from P'Nao informing me that P'Dunk will be picking me up.

I was over the moon. I was smiling all the way to the parking lot. As soon as I saw his car, I refrained from skipping so hard. Instead, I speed walk so fast.

As I got in the car, I saw that P'Dunk watched our moments of TikTok videos that our fans made.

We talked about mundane stuff and I could not held in my excitement and asked him about how brilliant my plan was and he answered with just "You're insufferable."

But, from his tone, I guess he's not mad at me. I could live with that.

He looked over at me and said "You know, we have to be careful. I know that you hate it but we have to hide a little bit more. Okay, Sunshine?" 

"I know, I understand. Sometimes, I want to hold your hands, kiss you, hug you, do things spontaneously as your boyfriend not as a fan service."

He reached over, held my hand and said "Even if you did all those for the sake of fan service. My heart always skip a beat and the butterflies in my stomach fluttered so much, I sometimes thought I might faint. Even if what you did was in the guise of fan service, they are still from you and I still appreciate it because I know you genuinely did it for me."

What he just told me pacified all my disappointing heart and it melt my worries away.I looked over to him and the only thing that can come out of my mouth is "I could kiss you right now."

He laughed so hard and said "Not here, on weekend, okay?"

"See, we even have to schedule for a kiss" I pouted.

"If it's gonna make you feel better, how about a scheduled kiss and some horror movies?"

"Really? Do not go back on your words, Alright?" I answered excitedly.

"Cross my heart and hope to die!"  he said as he cross over his heart.

I am a simple man who feel better over the promise of a kiss and horror movies. I am going to spend the weekends with my  boyfriend and I could bursts out of happiness right now.

But for now, I leaned over and kiss his cheek. My Thirak is so cute and thoughtful.

A/n: Another chapter finished. I hope you all enjoyed reading. Stay tuned for more. Like, Comment and follow for more

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