Chapter 7

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"What's this all about? This is ridiculous!" I said and walked away in a pissed off mood.

"And...CUT!! That's a wrap, everyone" the Director declared.

I was happy that we were able to get the scene only in two takes.

I looked over to Joong and the crew were helping him taking off his doggy costume. He looked cute and ridiculous at the same time, it made me laugh out loud.

At the sound of my laugh, he looked over and smiled at me. He mouthed "Stop!" and that made me laugh harder and he just smiled at me.

I could see from my peripheral line that they were recording behind the scene and I mouthed back to him "Camera" and he composed himself so fast.

He's such a dork and adorable.

We were almost at the end of shooting "Hidden Agenda" series and sometimes emotional scenes are especially hard when your co-star is your partner in real life.

Many times, I had to stay over at Joong's place to comfort him and he stayed at mine when I need him as well.

Dating Joong is quite easy. He respect the rules I laid out, which are:
1.)No PDA outside except for occasional flirting for fan service.

2.) Noone should know we're dating- we are not hiding as our parents knew about us dating but letting too many people know will create problems.

3.) As we are both actors, we should be professionals and do our part diligently even if we get jealous when we got paired up with another person.

He and I tried to follow these rules as best as we can. I thought that Joong would be the possessive one and got jealous often, turns out, I was the one who was possessive and got jealous very easily.

But Joong, the best boyfriend that he is, always knew how to tamper those jealousy of mine.

"If you look too hard, people will caught on!" said Louis to my ear.

I looked at him and said while smiling "I do not understand what you said!"

"Don't give me that fake smile" he laughed.

"You're wrong" I said still putting on my best fake smile.

"I'm not gonna say anything but Be careful, not everyone got your best interest in their heart in this industry" he said while patting me on my back and went away.

I stared after him with his words replaying in head and when I shifted my gaze, I caught Joong's eyes. "Something wrong?" he mouthed worriedly. "Nothing" I mouthed back.

We were told to pack up and then went home.

Our managers told Joong and I to have dinner together while doing IG Live and we were exhausted so, we decided to eat and have the Live at my place.

In the elevator, on our way up to my place, Joong talked animatedly about the podcasts that he listened to and I nodded along absent-mindedly.

When we entered my condo, Joong ordered from our favourite Shabu-shabu place while I showered. The food was delivered while Joong was in the shower and I was setting my phone up for IG Live.

Fans from all over the world were tuning in and we were having a great time with them. They asked about the new series, what we ate, who is going to be in the series, etc. We accept Live requests from Pond and Phuwin and let's just say the fans are going to have a field day with it.

After finishing our dinner and ended the IG Live. We were preparing to watch some indie movie when Joong asked me "Is something wrong? You are not yourself! Something's bothering you"

"Louis knew about us...No..more like he suspects us.." I told him.

A/n: Sorry for not updating yesterday as Yesterday was my grandma's first death anniversary so, in my culture, family and friends get together to talk about her and reminiscing memories and spend an entire day in honouring her memories and later dinner.🤣. Thank you for reading my little fanfic and please, if you like it, share and follow for more...

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