Chapter 11

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                       DUNK phone vibrated and I knew who it would be. I looked at my professor to confirm that he was busy writing on the board. I took out my phone and sure enough it was Joong. He left several messages as well.

Saengatit♥️: You're gone..

Saengatit♥️: Why are you gone?

Saengatit♥️: Why are you not                               replying?

Saengatit♥️: Rāk???

Saengatit♥️: Thirak??



Dunk Ntchai:Sorry, rāk, I have a                         morning class.

Saengatit♥️:  You could have
                        woken me up.

I could picture him pouting while he wrote this message, such a cutie.

Dunk Ntchai:You needed to rest                           and you slept so
                        peacefully too. I
                        did not want to
                        interrupt your
                        sleep.I'm sorry that
                        I did not notify you.
                        Next time, I will tell
                        you when I'm out.

Saengatit♥️: 😘

Dunk Ntchai: I'm in class right                                     now so TTYL?

Saengatit♥️: ♥️

After the minor pouting incident, my morning was eventful, it was filled with classes after classes.

People were great and especially my friends.They encouraged me and not treated me differently when my series took off. At first, I was really reluctant to tell them I was going to star in a Y genre drama. But when they knew about it, they were quite supportive and encouraging. That's why I wanted them to meet Joong.

When I was almost out of the classroom door, another message pop up. It was from P'Jay.

P'Jay Somtop: Nong!!Are classes

Dunk Ntchai: Yes, we just
                        finished it, P?

P'Jay Somtop: Okay, when will
                         you be  here?

Dunk Ntchai: I won't be long, I
                        think, about an
                        hour, maybe.

P'Jay Somtop: Okay then, See you,                                   Nong.

Dunk Ntchai: Khrab, P.

I got to my car and was about to drive out when I got another call.



"Krab, Rāk"

"When will you be here?"

"I am just driving out. So, in about an hour."

"Oh....Are you tired?"

"A bit but it's alright"

"Have you had lunch?"

"No, Class periods were too tight"

"Okay, I will or..."

"And Guys, here is Joong Archen on a call but we'll still bother him" someone interrupted him on the other end. From the sound of it, it was definitely P'Neo.

"Swadeekrab" Joong greeted, from the sound of it.

"Are you excited for this event?" P'Neo asked

"Krab, we get to see our dear fans who supported and love us unconditionally so it is always a joy for such event" answered Joong.

"Who were you talking to just now?" asked P'Neo

"Someone who has my heart" answered Joong, here we go again, I smiled to myself.

"Who exactly?"


"Hohoy, guys, we interrupted their precious phone call. I hope JoongDunk fans forgive me"

P'Neo's such a jokester. I just shook my head at his antics.

"What is Dunk doing this day?" he asked Joong.

"He is busy with classes"

"Have you guys been hanging out a lot"

"No, he do not have time for me. I called him up and asked him to hang out but he always have class and things to do. I really miss him" complained Joong.

This guy, I guess he's really pissed about how I crawled out of his bed early this morning without notifying him.

I smiled at his cuteness.

"Awww, Nong Joong suffered so much, JoongDunk's fans should scold Dunk when they see him.55555" cackled P'Neo and Joong joined him.

"Thank you for the interview, Nong. Guys, I just found two people who are fighting right now. Let's go to TayNew" and P'Neo chattered loudly in the background.



"Miss you"

"Love you, I'll see you soon"


"As soon as I get there, so stop pouting" I told him

"I will when I see you"


"And P"


"Love you too" he said and hanged up

That three words put away all my weariness. I guess love is a powerful medicine.

A/n: Hope you guys love it, please like, share and follow for more.

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