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Assalam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu

I don't know when i thought to write about all this.

Here i'll write quotes, things about Islam,my journey to become a better Muslim (Alhumdulillah)and not to forget about Palestine 🇵🇸 and Gaza.

•Please dont spread hate. I'm here for speaking about myself, my journey and Our Beautiful Deen Islam. I don't want any negativity here.

•The references of The Holy Quran and The Hadiths By Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu  Alaihi Wasallam maybe not be given here at all times. I don't know the exact references though but as soon as i'll know i'll write it.


JazakaAllah Khair

Fiyamanillah 💗

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