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I woke up still in bill's arms. I tried to sit up, but he held me tighter. Tom walked out of the bathroom.

"What time is it?" I asked him.

"9:53" He replied. I groaned. I slowly peeled bills arms off me.

"I'm gonna go get ready."

"Okay" I walked out of their room. And headed to mine and Astrids, I wonder if she's back yet. I walked into the room and saw Astrid doing her makeup. "Damn I was right you are quite literally a hotter Regina George."

"Thank youuuu. You better hurry and put on your costume, I think everyone but us and tom and bill are ready. "Shit really?! I will now" I ran to my suitcase and pulled out my clothes for the costume. "Can you help me with the fake blood?"

"Ofc I can!!"

I put on my costume (Photo at the top) And walked over to her for her to help with the fake blood. She also did some eyeliner on me. "Thank you"

"Any time!" She said walking out of the room. The time is now 10:34.

"Damn is bill still not ready?"


we sat down and talked for a minute until bill came out of the elevator wearing some goth clothes, darker than what he usually wears. He had a bit of fake blood spattered around his lips. We all stood up to leave. I walked next to bill and stared at him from the corner of my eye. He's so beautiful. We all got in the tour bus. I laid my head on bills shoulder as we drove. Once we got to the venue there was already fans outside waiting for us. Some were yelling things at us like "TOM, I LOVE YOU" or "Y/N MARRY ME" some even yelled things like "Y/N AND BILL KISS" or stuff like that. We all giggled at their antics. Once we got inside the building, we set up our stuff. Checking the audio on the microphones and the instruments. Once the people got inside, we began playing music. We started with bring me to life.

"How can you see into my eyes, Like open doors?" I stared into bills eyes singing my lyrics. He did the same singing his. We were singing so close to each other honestly; I don't think we even needed the second microphone.

"Frozen inside without your touch, without your love. darling, only you are the life among the dead" I stared into his eyes. I wanna kiss him so bad right now.

"I've been sleeping a thousand years it seems."

"Got to open my eyes to everything" We continued singing the song I find my eyes trailing from his eyes to his lips. The crowd was singing along loudly but I couldn't hear them over my thoughts. I was snapped out of my trance when the song ended. We spoke to the crowd for a second and then they started playing Durch den monsun. (Can't do lyrics cuz I don't speak German, and this is based on before the English one came out so I can't use it) Eventually the concert was over. The literal millisecond we got backstage I kissed bill. "Gross get a room" Tom fake gagged, and we both flipped him off. "Hey guys those girls I was with last night invited us to a party, they said we have to be in a costume, or they won't even let us in the building."

"Well lucky for us we're wearing costumes."

"Tom you're not getting a single girl wearing a fucking bee costume."

"I'm sure i will if a take it off."

"Then they won't let you in the party dipshit"

"Well, I'll take it off in the party."

"The girl told me if they find you wearing something that isn't a costume you have to leave. She said they would rather have people running around naked than not in a costume."

"To BEE entirely fair I probably should have chosen a different costume, I was humping my guitar during leb die sekunde in a fucking bee costume, I already know when I'm on my deathbed someone is gonna be like 'Hey remember that time he humped a guitar in a bee costume' and then I'm going to die while they are laughing about me humpi-"

"Stop saying humping or istg I will murder you."

"Who the fuck brings up someone doing that to a guitar next to somebody about to die?"

"I'm not going to the party I'm too tired I think my vocal cords are gonna pop out or something"

"Okay well vocal cords intact or not we need to go back to the bus, also I'm not going to the party with the bee's knees here, so I won't go."

"Me and Gustav are going."

"Still, It's late anyway."

"Okay lets go to the bus" We all ran to the bus. "Y/N I WANNA SLEEP WITH YOU!!"

"That can be arranged" I joked before Maddie hit me in the stomach. I raised my hands in defense walking into the bus. As I walked in someone threw a bra at me. "Thanks!! It's just my size" I joked before max took it and threw it away. "Heyyyy no fair"

"How did we end up with 3 horny ass friends?" Sarah asked.

"Y/N isn't horny she's just fucking crazy." Maxine somewhat defended me.

"Thank you"

"That was supposed to be an insult." Max questioned me.

"I'd take it as a compliment."

"You take everything as a compliment I could tell you that you looked like a groundhog, and you would say thank you."

"You're entirely right Astrid. I would say thank you."

"You've gotta be gay for her or sum." Maddie pointed at me and her and then did little kissy hand things.

"If I was gay for a specific person, it would be Astrid."

"Well, I'm going to the pool tonight. This time I'm actually staying in our room PROBABLY because those girls left today." Astrid frowned but then her face lit back up a bit "Who's coming with me?"

"Me of course"

"I'll go"

"Me too"

"Me three"

"Me four"

"Me 29293829282" We all giggled going in the hotel. "Let's meet at the pool, okay?"


My Love - Bill Kaulitz X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now