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I woke up to literal banging on the door. 

"Oh my god what?" Bill yelled and Tom opened the door, Everyone in my house behind him. 

"Jesus Y/N we thought you were kidnapped or something!" Astrid exclaimed.

"Now why the hell would someone only kidnap me and not you guys?" I asked.

"Because you're that pretty. Now come on and get ready we are going skating." Astrid told me. 

"Thank you but the skating rink doesn't even open till 4" I made a face at them all. 

"It's 2 you idiot" Evie spoke and gestured to the clock on bills bedside table. 

"How the fuck is it 2 already?" I turned to Bill, and he shrugged. 

"Okay well we are gonna go now. You better be ready to go in an hour or we are leaving your asses." Max spoke and they all shut the door. We both sat up and stood, Before I could stand Bill was at my side to make sure I didn't fall. When I got up it hurt a bit to stand. I don't know how the hell I'm gonna skate like this.

"Could you get those pain killers?" I asked Bill and he nodded. He quickly ran to the bathroom and grabbed the bottle, He grabbed and unopened bottle of water from his desk and handed me both of them. 

"Thank you, baby."

"It no problem, I mean technically this is my fault" He spoke, and I chuckled before drinking the water and taking the pill. After a few minutes my legs started to feel better. 

"I'm gonna go get ready to go, you should too if you want to come with us." 

"Can I?" He asked me and held my waist. 

"Of course, you can sweetie" I smiled. 

"Yay! Thank you, baby!" He said brightly. I love how excited he gets about small things. 

"You're welcome sweetie. Now I do need to go get ready, okay?" I spoke and suddenly he pulled me into a tight hug.

"Noo, I don't want to you leave!" He whined into my shoulder. I giggled. 

"But I have to go change clothes." 

"You can wear my clothes! Just don't leave" he said still holding me tightly. 

"Okay, But I need to do my makeup."

"You can use mine." He seemed like he really wanted me to stay with him. 

"I need shoes." 

" You have your flip flops." He stated, I looked at him like he was insane. W hich for saying that he was. 

"Its December, I'm absolutely not wearing flip flops."

"Still! We can go get your boots or something from your house, just please stay." 

"Fine I'll stay here till we have to get my shoes." 

"Thank youu" He smiled; we walked over to the closet together. He picked a shirt and took his off. 

"Oh, I need to go back to get a bra."

"You can put one on when we go to get your shoes" he said, and I whined. He handed me a shirt I had said I liked before. I smiled and took off my shirt, then put on the one he gave me. After a bit all we had to do was go to my house and get my stuff then we were ready to go. When we walked outside and began to walk towards my house, I felt cold air brush my arms. I shivered and bit and Bill probably noticed because suddenly he handed me his hoodie. 

"It's okay I can grab mine in the house."

"Nein, I want you to wear mine" He spoke, and I smiled, I took the hoodie and put it over myself. 

"Thank you, Baby."

"No problem Leibe" He opened the door for me. We both walked in and saw pretty much everyone there and ready to go.

"Finally, their ready"

"Now all we need is one." 

"You mean to tell me it took us this long and Evie still isn't ready?" I spoke.

"Man, whether it's in America or Germany that fucker will never be ready on time." Marcus spoke and we all giggled.

"Hey, we had to have one person who's constantly late." Evie spoke walking down the stairs as I tied my converses. We walked to the van. We bought a family van thing with 3 rows because we have 5 people and usually have one of the twins or someone else with us. But even with the 3 rows there isn't enough room for us all. 

"Guys we have 9 people but there are only 8 seats, so Y/N is sitting on someone's lap."

"Why me?"

"One, You're the smallest, two, there isn't a person in this car besides the driver who would deny you a seat on their lap." Evie spoke.

"Fair enough" I spoke and sat down on Bills lap. He didn't seem to mind it he just seemed a bit flustered. We were in the VERY back with Evie in front of us, Tom next to us, and Marcus next to Tom. Maddie in the middle seat in the row in front of us. Sarah next to her. Maxine driving, and Astrid in the front passenger seat. This car is packed to the brim with people to the point where there aren't even enough seats. The girls invited the G's and My mom to go skating as well. Eventually we got to the rink which had literally JUST opened. Less than a minute ago. We all rented our skates and got on the rink. They had music playing in the background. Mostly rap or pop, right now ice ice baby is playing. (my sister who was a teen during that era says they played that song a lot at the skating rink) We all skated at different paces and Bill seemed to be having trouble figuring it out. Tom picked it up pretty easy and so did the G's. I helped Bill skate even though I wasn't the best myself. After around 30 minutes he figured it out. We skated around the rink together to the beat of songs, at one point the DJ said they were gonna play a requested song. When they did, they played one of our songs. The entire group came over to us and started dancing. Some fans realized it was us and asked for autographs when we went to sit down. One guy stared at me the entire conversation. Bill sat next to me and noticed the guy. He didn't seem to like the idea of another guy staring at me. He randomly pulled me into a kiss. After we broke the kiss, I was red as a tomato. 

"Y/N You literally look like a tomato" Evie pointed out and everyone looked at me. I blushed a little more. 

"I do not"

"You really do" Astrid added and I flipped her off.

"I have a question" The fan stated, she seemed to be nice. 

"Ask away" Maddie spoke. 

"Are Y/N and Bill dating or is that just a rumor?" She asked and I looked over to Bill.

"Yeah, we are dating" He spoke, and I smiled, then nodded. We all continued the conversation a bit and eventually went back to skating. After a while the skating rink closed at eight pm. We all said bye to the G's and My mom then went back home. We ate dinner then went to bed. 

"Goodnight baby I'll see you, Tomorrow."

"Goodnight Leibe" Bill kissed my forehead. The others all already went to bed. He left the house, and I went inside. Then went to sleep. 

A/N: filler chapter againnn

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