Chapter 12: A closet full of secrets

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The countess's almond-shaped eyes narrowed suspiciously, her gaze shifting between Amelia and Lucian. "You were admiring my closet? From within?"

Amelia's mind raced, desperately searching for a way to divert suspicion. But her mind was racing so fast that she just stood there, gaping like a fish on dry land.

Before countess Khan could ask any questions, the doorknob turned.

Seizing the moment, Amelia swiftly pulled Lucian out of the closet with her, while pushing the countess and Mr Gallagher inside, before slamming the closet door shut.

Now, without any place to hide, Amelia expected her panic to consume her, but it didn't. There was something so sacred about the forbidden romance between the countess and the painter.
The way she looked at Mr Gallagher. And the sheer devotion he had shown her. How he was on his knees for her. Amelia didn't think a man was capable of such worship. If love could create such a devotion, how could society tear them apart. No one could know. No one could find them.

In a split second decision, she closed her eyes and did the only thing she could think of to divert attention—she kissed Lucian.

The unexpected act seemed to startle him, but he quickly caught on to her intentions and responded, his arms instinctively encircling her. His hand was warm against the small of her back, his arms felt safe as they enveloped her into his embrace. She leaned into it as if seeking his solace in the midst of chaos.

Just as their lips parted, the sound of loud gasps resonated throughout the room. Lord Montgomery and Wallace stood in the doorway, their expressions a mix of surprise and malicious amusement. Lord Montgomery, with a wicked grin, immediately grabbed his chance. "Well, well, what do we have here? Miss Balfour, indulging in a stolen moment with Lord Ciaran, of all people?"

Amelia's heart raced with anxiety as the consequences of it all hit her like a ton of bricks. She had hoped it would be a stranger, who would swiftly leave once they realised they were interrupting something intimate.

But no, it had to be Lord Montgomery, of all people. And now, she had handed him the branding iron with which he could mark her a 'fallen woman' for life. Shattering her reputation and any future prospects of becoming a writer.

Wallace, on the other hand, appeared hesitant, his eyes filled with a mix of concern and timidity. He placed a hand on lord Montgomery's shoulder, his voice soft and almost pleading. "Theodore, please, let's pretend we didn't see anything. It is not our place to interfere."

But Lord Montgomery, fuelled by a twisted sense of pleasure, saw an opportunity to exert his power. His eyes gleamed with a predatory glint as he shrugged Wallace's hand away. "Oh, no, Wally, love. This is an opportunity too good to pass up. We shall have ourselves quite the scandal."

Amelia's panic escalated into a full-blown breakdown that she could barely conceal, her breath coming in short gasps. Desperation drove her to speak up in one last attempt to regain control of the situation. "Lord Montgomery, I implore you. Please consider the consequences of your actions. I have worked tirelessly to establish my reputation, my career as a writer. To brand me a fallen woman would be to rob me of everything I have strived for."

A cruel smile played on Lord Montgomery's lips as he revelled in Amelia's distress. "And why should I care about your ambitions, Miss Balfour? Society loves nothing more than tearing down those who dare to defy its norms."

Lucian's voice cut through the tension, his tone firm and commanding. "I gather that you have never played chess before, have you, Lord Montgomery?"

Three confused faces turned to Lucian, each demanding an explanation for a different reason.

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