Chapter 5: The Fallen Angel

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Her mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Lucian's tall, dark presence overwhelmed her. His words made her feel warm and made her blush, his actions both thrilled and embarrassed her at the same time and all she could think was 'this is devilish temptation'. But she couldn't move. Her body was frozen in place.

The carriage pulled up beside them and Lucian held out his hand and this time she took it without hesitation. But as soon as they touched Lucian flinched, if only for a moment.

"Are you alright?" Amelia asked, genuinely concerned.

Lucian nodded, quickly entering the carriage after her. "Just surprised, that's all. I must admit, you were quite remarkable in there. Your fiery spirit continues to surprise and delight me."

"Is that why you thought it would be a good idea to pose as a lord, become my aunt's lodger and now joke about being my suitor?" Amelia quipped back with a teasing smile.

The small carriage crackled with an electric energy as Lucian stared at her with those dark eyes. Those eyes were windows to a world of forbidden passion, silently tempting her with every glance. "You must admit, it makes everything a lot easier."

"Easier?" She scoffed. "You are supposed to help me write my novels, teach me how to seduce, not turn every aspect of life upside down. That was the deal."

"My methods are more practical. You know, learning from all that's around you, experiencing it. So, I am in fact helping you, angel."

"How?" Amelia cried. "Can you conjure up invitations to the countess' Khan harvest ball?"

Lucian simply shrugged his shoulders. "I am a demon, not a wizard. I can't conjure up anything. And be honest with me, didn't you want your life to be turned upside down?"

"What do you mean?"

"How else were you planning on making all your dreams come true in 30 days? If you continue to play by society's rules, domesticity will be an inescapable trap. But if you forget the rules, the world can be your oyster, Amelia."

As she took a momentary pause, Amelia's frustration bubbled to the surface. Deep down she knew he was right but admitting it felt like failing. Like she had been to stupid to see the precarious situation she had gotten herself in and she didn't want that. Anything but that.

"Lucian, I know I have impossible dreams and no way of achieving them on my own. My aunt wants to see me married to the first man that takes interest in me. Lord Montgomery keeps taunting me with his sleazy obscenity books wherein women are little more than holes for men to fill, and that eejit of a Wallace is utterly obsessed by him. And for once, I just want to be free of all of it. To write what I want, be who I want."

Lucian's eyes softened, his gaze filled with empathy as placed a hand on Amelia's. "My angel, let me offer you some solace. Lord Montgomery's opinion is inconsequential, for true art cannot be measured by the standards of others."

Amelia snorted a laugh through the tears that had started to roll down her cheeks. With the softest touch Lucian whipped them away, "and as for Wallace, well, he is simply enchanted by the allure of forbidden desire. It is to be expected."

Amelia's brow furrowed in confusion. "I don't understand. What do you mean?"

"Oh, forgive me. I sometimes forget that times have changed. These sorts of things used to be so common a few centuries ago." Lucian leaned back against his seat. "Wallace is gay, Amelia. He is attracted to men. There is nothing wrong with that, except for the cruel judgments your society casts upon those who are different."

"But if he's caught – " Amelia's voice trailed off, the weight of the consequences heavy on her words.

Lucian's voice carried a note of compassion as he reached out to gently touch Amelia's hand. "Yes, my angel, society can be harsh and unforgiving. The world has yet to understand and accept those who love differently."

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