Chapter 9: To the ball

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The dress Lucian had gifted her was the most vibrant emerald green she had ever seen. It was like someone had stolen all colour from the greenest trees and the most luscious forests in order to put them into this dress. Bright silk draped gracefully around her, embracing her figure with the tailored precision of the bodice that accentuates her every curve. The off-shoulder neckline revealed the delicate curve of her throat and shoulders, adding a hint of daring elegance to her ensemble.

As she moved, the embroidered tarletan over the silk caught the light, creating a play of intricate patterns that danced along with her every step.

The moment Amelia caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror, it was like she saw a version of herself she had never seen before. One that was enchanted with natural grace, strength and beauty. She looked like one of the mythical princesses from her mother's stories. The ones who defied the odds and stood up for their beliefs.

Now, there was an idea.

Tracing a finger along the dangerously low neckline, Amelia toyed with the notion that perhaps it was her turn to seduce. Be not the breathless one, but steal his breath instead. Make him shudder and stumble over his every word. Oh, what a delicious sight that would be. To see Lucian, self-proclaimed master of seduction, stumble. Maybe even blush. Yes, she wanted to see him blush. And in this dress, Amelia figured that she just might be able to do it.

With white gloves adorning her hands, she added a touch of purity to the ensemble, contrasting with the vivid green and black. Together, Amelia and the gown created a captivating tableau, embodying the charm and allure of a seductive beauty in a single, unforgettable moment.

"Weep and wail, demon. I will seduce you tonight." Amelia thought as she gave the dress a final twirl.


Amelia descended the staircase slowly, each step a statement of her determination. The emerald green gown caught the candle light beautifully and the necklace aunt Elspeth had lent her sparkled like stars against her bosom. Taking deep breaths and slow steps, Amelia made sure her every movement exuded the grace of a woman ready to take charge.

It wasn't until halfway down, that she let her gaze wonder to the demon that stood at the foot of the stairs.

Lucian's eyes, usually composed and unreadable, widened imperceptibly at the sight before him. He was utterly transfixed. The emerald vision descending the staircase was beyond what he had imagined. He knew the dress would compliment her pale ginger features. But the silk, the heaving chest, the dangerous allure in her eyes—it all combined into a masterpiece that left him momentarily breathless.

Aunt Elspeth, standing nearby, couldn't help but beam with pride. "Oh, Amelia, ye look like princess Teneu descending from the glens," she exclaimed, her eyes misty with delight. "My lord, isn't she a vision?"

Amelia's determined gaze met Lucian's, and for a moment, the air hung heavy with unspoken tension. Lucian cleared his throat before he looked away. "She does, Mrs McEwans—a vision, indeed."

"Thank you, Auntie," Amelia replied with a demure smile, feigning innocence while her eyes held a promise of mischief. "Shall we, Lord Ciaran?" She gestured toward the awaiting carriage, and with a polite nod, Lucian offered her his arm.

As they stepped into the carriage, Lucian let her hand go rather quickly yet his gaze lingered on Amelia. The green of her gown accentuated her every feature, and the lace teased at revealing secrets yet unknown. But he straightened up and kept a proper distance from her.

The journey to the ball was a quiet one, with only the occasional cough or rustle of silk. Amelia sat across Lucian much like the first time when he had tossed her into that carriage. He was cross with her then as well, and she had pushed, just like she was doing now. Perhaps she should sit on his lap again. Amelia considered it for a moment before dismissing the notion entirely. Lucian didn't seem to want to touch her at the moment.

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