Water 7//Chapter 19

Start from the beginning

The entire crew fell to the floor, while Zoro slowly sheathed his swords back into place with a neutral face, "I knew it."

Usopp and Nami smacked him in the head, "NO YOU DIDNT--!!"

Sanji twirled around and kicked him in the side, sending the swordsman spiraling down the staircase, "YOU WERE JUST ABOUT TO ATTACK HIM WITH FAYTHE-CHAN ON HIM, YOU MOSS FOR BRAINS!!"

Zoro gritted his teeth with a snarl as he whipped out his swords for the blonde, "IM NOT THAT INCOMPENTANT, I WOULDVE ONLY SLICED LUFFY!"

Sanji came flying down on him with a high kick, "SO YOU ADMIT YOU WERE GOING TO ATTACK--!!"

Zoro blocked with his sheathe, "GOT A PROBLEM, STUPID PERVERT COOK--!!"



The two began clashing in the background, Wyper turned his back to them, the hollering of grown adult men arguing has now become white noise from the many times this has happened, "Of course, the Captain looks at this like its a game." He crossed his arms over his green tunic vest. The black long sleeve turtle neck fit snug on his torso as the temperature was a lot more colder down in the Blue Sea.

Robin only chuckled at the scene, "How cute." She smiled at the childish duo.

Faythe had just gotten her tie done and now it was getting wrinkled from Luffy's man handling, "Why do you wound me so..."

Luffy scrunched up his nose in confusion, "Your saying funny words again, Fae."

Faythe rolled her eyes at his statement, "It's a saying in old English. Seen multiple times in poems or plays." She placed her elbow on the back of Luffy's shoulder blade, her cheek resting in her palm.

Luffy hummed in content as he felt her settle down, "I don't know what that means, but I think it's cool because you said so."

The red head blinked for a moment, "That's because I'm your crew's writer." She smiled bashfully, her feet kicking lightly in embarrassment.

Luffy just smiled and continued looking forward, his grip still firm on the parrot girl as she continued to squirm in happiness.

Nami and Usopp looked at the scene with raised brows.

"What are they doing...?"

"I dunno and I don't wanna find out."

Chopper just smiled happily, "Faythe looks happy."



"Holy Shit."







The sight had been engrained in the red head's mind in only seconds as she stared at the magnificent sight, it's grandeur only enhancing as they sailed closer.

Rows upon rows of canals flowed around in patterns that looked like a maze from the outside. Water flowing out from internal tunnels that were built underneath the towering city. In the center stood a stacked tower of three pillars, all over flowing like a bird bath and having the water travel throughout the city as if it were merged roads.

Luffy's smiled widened, "A giant fountain!!!"

"Man!" Usopp had seemed to finally process what was in front of him and holler out, "That looks like a metropolis!!!"

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