Chapter 68: Firing Squad

Start from the beginning

Ironwood: They both committed crimes on property that I was tasked with protecting, that means I am well within my authority to-

Ozpin: James, I will not argue authority with you on my grounds. 

Ironwood glared at Ozpin before stepping back like a kicked puppy. Ozpin then turned his attention to Yang.

Ozpin: Glynda, escort Yang back to her room. We will question her when she has calmed down. 

Goodwitch didn't say a word. I stepped out from in front of Yang gently pushed her forward. She didn't want to go, but she didn't need to hear what was coming next. Goodwitch coaxed Yang along, trying to be as careful and considerate as she could be with her. 

I looked at Ozpin and we locked eyes. He looked like he expected this to happen but still wasn't ready for it. He was pissed to be sure, but it was more directed both at me but also elsewhere. Qrow, however, was just outright pissed at Ironwood. I guess the gut wound didn't go unnoticed. It was obvious that it was a bullet wound. Thankfully it felt like a flesh wound more than anything but it still hurt like hell. 

Ozpin: *Sigh* You know what you did, correct?

Red Hood: ....Yeah....

Ozpin: And you know that you played into their plans in doing this?

Red Hood: ....Probably....

Qrow: Why? 

Red Hood: Because I wasn't about to let Yang end up as Roman. 

Ironwood: That's where the the three of you belong. She's clearly following his example and wanted revenge for the show that Black put on. 

Qrow: You know damn well that those two were involved with Cinder-

Red Hood: And it's frankly our fault that things got to this point. I'm about to correct that. 

Ozpin: Y/n, we can't-

Red Hood: I can, and I will. I've listened to you. Followed you. Abided by decisions that you made, even when I didn't agree with them. Hell, I even started to trust you. But the days leading up to this, all you've done was tell all of us not to act, despite knowing that something was going down. Despite knowing that it's going to happen in the colosseum, which is exactly what's happening now. I did things your way. Now I'm doing it my way. We're done. 

I didn't wait, I walked past them. Ironwood grabbed my arm as I passed. I twisted into him, breaking the grip while grabbing the same hand he used to grab me before throwing him over my shoulder. Ironwood hit the ground hard but scrambled to right himself and drew his pistol and swinging it upward into my jaw. I could almost fell my teeth cracking on impact. I staggered back and pointed my pistol at Ironwood and he returned the favor.

Ozpin: Ironwood, enough-

Qrow: Y/n! Wait-

*Bang* *Bang*

We both fired and I honestly couldn't tell you which one of us shot first but with that, it was really on. Ironwoods bullet grazed my arm, while my bullet caught him in the shoulder. I didn't waste time continuing to fight. I petal burst away from Ironwood as he recovered and started firing at me again. I needed to get my equipment. I ran to the dorm. I needed to make this quick so that no one else got caught up in this. Getting there was the easy part, it was getting out that was going to be a challenge. Ironwood may not have brought his knights to the landing pads, but they were sure to be on their way.

Qrow Pov


James lifted his pistol to fire at Y/n as he ran. He popped off two shots before I caught his arm, yanking it upward. He yanked his arm free but quickly found my fist in his face. I was absolutely ready to fight him to keep Y/n safe. I may not like what he did but I wasn't about to make the same mistake I did from back then, especially when he did what he did for Yang. James jumped up ready to fight before he thought better of it and pulled out his scroll screaming into it. 

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