Prince - Hi (👋) everyone, glad to meet you all

Molly - Steve get the new guy a glass of vodka and get me, Sally and Kelly some wine, whiskey and champagne

Victor - You can't say no to us so have it Prince

Prince sit beside Ron and they all talk about different things and they play games. Harry ask

Harry - So Prince ready for the show? (seeing Prince)

Prince - What show? (🤨)

Oliver - The stripper club show, it is famous here

Jackson - Mostly people come here for that

Prince - I don't know anything about that

Victoria - You will like it

Victor - You can even sleep with them if you want to and no one will know about it

Jackson - Oliver, Miley and Lilly has slept with lots of strippers and cheated on their boyfriends and girlfriends

Miley - She deserves it

Lilly - Not my fault that I want more when they are done

Oliver - He is a complete wimp

Hannah - Prince whom are you dating?

Prince - I prefer not tell

Hermione - Why? (curiously 🤨)

Prince - I prefer it like that, I like to keep my stuffs to myself (seriously)

Ron - At least tell us about yourself, now that you know us

Prince says about himself and suddenly the lights got dim and Sally say

Sally - At last they are starting the show (excitedly)

Victoria - What is the show name? (curiously)

Harry - Stripper club

Victor - You can even call it club strippers

Lilly - Holly keep refilling our glasses until the show ends

Hannah - Make it special

Holly - Okay

The show starts and Prince see his dad enjoying the show. Prince felt a bit uncomfortable and embarrassed to see the strippers dance in front of everyone and he felt a bit turned on. One of the stripper comes to Prince and tries to kiss on his lips but Prince turns his head and felt the stripper kiss on his cheek and hear her say

Stripper - If you want you can come and meet me handsome guy, my name is Stacy and my friend's name is Candace

The stripper went to a pole and starts to pole dance. Ron say

Ron - You're lucky dude

Harry - Stacy is the hottest stripper here and she rarely comes to a guy and asks anyone out

Prince drinks a glass of wine 🍷 and felt his cheeks turning red because he was blushing. Victor say

Victor - Prince go and talk to Stacy

Jackson - Yeah man, you won't get a chance like this again and again ever again

Prince - No (shakes his head)

Miley - Have this drink and go and talk to her (giving a glass of whiskey 🥃)

Hannah - It is a dare for you now (smirking 😏)

Prince drinks a glass of whiskey 🥃 and went to Stacy. Prince say

Prince - Hey beautiful (drunk tone)

Stacy - Hey sunshine, want to hang out with me and my friends? (smiling ☺)

Prince - Sure (smiling ☺)

Prince went to a table with Stacy and see a girl and a boy. Stacy say

Stacy - This is my bestest friend Candace and our boyfriend Jamie

Prince - I am Prince

Jamie - Join us

Candace - What would you like to have?

Prince - I will love to have whatever you have!

Jamie - Zac get us special drinks

Zac - Coming right up

Prince, Candace, Jamie and Stacy have drinks and snacks. Prince felt so weird and suddenly he fainted. Candace, Stacy and Jamie see Prince with a smile 🙂 and Candace say

Candace - Let us take him to our room and have some fun with him


Oh no, what Stacy, Jamie and Candace are planning to do with Prince?


Sorry for the spelling mistakes, grammar and typing errors

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