Trip to see a witch

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Inside the car was a copy of Mali car only a little smaller.

I looked at the address and decided to go see Ayo before going in to work. Why didn't he just give me her number or social media? Then she would have access to mine. I didn't want that. I thought of my grandmother and the dream.

"Frances." I called out feeling stupid. But there was the slightest tingle in my heart. What harm could it do. After all that happen why should I think my grandmother was a lie. I turned the music down and remembered myself as a child. When I spoke freely to spirits in church, In prayer with my father.

I said clear and with conviction. "Nana be with me. Frances this is your daughter's daughter, and you are welcome to stay with me" Then I focused on going to see Ayo.

Her shop was on La Brea a cement building with no signage just the address. You had to dial in and wait for her to come open the gate. Ayo opened the door releasing the aroma of cinnamon and coco. Her hair was died a dark red, light brown complexion, round questioning eyes and full heart shaped lips. She had on wide legged jeans and a tank top. I could not tell her age. Her features were young, but her eyes said more.

"Hi, I am here to see Ayo." I said knowing this was the woman already.

She smiled. I'm Ayo come on up.

Walking through the door gave me a shiver. Inside was a day space for relaxing.

Herbs, succulents, and ferns took up much space. Two large decorative bowls of water sat on the floor next to each other. There a long table for a meeting of family dinner. In another space a round table, But she lead me to a small square table near the two bowls of water.

"How are you?" she asked as she lite a candle.

"I'm surviving." I replied, my voice shaky.

We sat at the table,l I thought she was going to offer me a reading of some sort. The kind offered to me via Instagram.

"You're a powerful one. It has been a long time since I ran across someone like yourself with no coven or circle."

"How do you know I'm strong?" I asked.

She pointed at the metal door. "Those symbols around the doorframe are a little more than decoration."

They were square Metal pieces with symbols inside placed in an abstract way around the frame

I remembered the shiver that went through me as I walked in.

Anger ignited from nowhere. "Aren't there rules like you have to ask me or something?" What right did she have to know things about me. What would she do with the information give it to Liam.

"There are and when you crossed into my property you offered some basic information."

Ayo paused looked at me like I was a child and then continued "I carved the symbols myself. Each one took time, energy, and knowledge. Energy is what gives it power." She paused and smiled like she knew I wanted to interrupt. I didn't. I would collect what information I could before I started questioning.

"There is the energy that it was given when it became attached to a purpose. Like when words received meaning. Then given more energy to shape it. The second exchange of energy happens in countless ways the 1st very few.

She didn't seem she was going to explain the way the marks or whatever received purpose so I started my questions.

"How do you give energy to ancestors? I asked." The question surprised me. It had been on my mind but asking made all this feel real. Ayo noted my breathing and paused for me to collect myself.

"Make an altar place a picture or item If you don't have it make it something and ask them to make it a home for some of their energy. I can't tell you what rituals to add to it. You're not my sister and my coven does not work that way."

"But think on any family traditions, remember any special bonds. Read and try things. Different things work for different people." Ayo got up and went to her book shelf and pulled out a thick black book with no title. Once I give this to you it will be yours and no one else's only a witch may receive it. only a witch may open it. Ayo appeared to be shaky now.

" The book is powerful, objective, and a living document. Literally. It feeds off me now but if you accept that will change. If asked it may find and provide information. The more vaugue the question the more energy the book will take. Do you accept the book?

"1st Tell me all that you know about me from the door."

"You came in contact with a dragon, You have a gun on you. Your magic is both through your mother and father. You have no coven. You been touched by a vampire."

On the last line she looked me up and down like I had been bad.

"Tell Liam my debt is paid." 

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