Moving in

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" Please don't shoot me." she yelled out. "I Shelly and I would like to give you my card." Shelly was off her bike now. " I also want you to know you are not alone. You have options. Keyra." She was closer now "Mali is a smooth talker and a better planner. But starting a court is a big job." Shelly stood at my window now. My foot was so ready to press the gas. "If you want a place established and ready to protect reach out. The dragon incident would have never happened. If it did he would be dead right now not missing." I didn't say a word and kept my head straight. As she walked away she said "thank you for your time" like we had completed an interview. Both motorcycles left.

I didn't feel comfortable going home after the run in. I found myself parked in front of the a Baptist Church. Inside the secretary of church took my information I explained to her that it was very important that I receive blessing oil.

"Well usually sister Thompson has the blessing oil and you get that on Sundays do you think you can come back Sunday."

Whatever look came to my face the woman stepped a little closer and said.

"Well I have some and you can have some of that and you come on Sunday and get you some more."

"That's okay ." I said drying my face as quick as I could then forcing my most business like voice out."

" Honey it seems like you need it. What kind of grandmother would I be if I sent you out unprepared. Especially after you as for help."

I wanted cry to her, tell her all that happened. As she looked in my eyes l knew she would allow that. But already I was afraid I had put her in harms reach just by being here. I took the oil and gave her all my thanks. I stuck it in my bag next to the book. On my way out she stopped me.

"Never be afraid to seek out help. We are here." She hugged me and I struggled not to cry.

In my car I considered what to do next where to go. The motorcycle incident reminded me traffic wasn't safe and Mali's house was on the other side of town. My house wasn't safe either. My gun was useless in some cases. I didn't think I was being followed so I went to a place that had always made me feel safe. I went to the library. I reserved a room for study and pulled out the laptop from work, connected it to my phone and started the needed downloads.

I pulled out the new devices from Mali and started to search on the public network.

Tapping in keywords. Witches, people with superpowers, spells, oils, shapeshifters, real psychic. Countless movies, books, encyclopedias, and videos popped in. None gave me any real clues. Most were warnings.

"You could have done this at the house." Mali stood in the doorway of the library conference room. I checked my watch surprised it was almost 8 pm."

I was slow about packing up, let her wait. Outside I gave up on silence . "How did you find me?"

She had the decency to look away. The blood imprints a scent when it's a witch. Other connections water down an dissipate. Yours compacts into a tiny thread. I only learned this recently." She got in the passenger side.

"What does that mean for me? I asked"

"I don't know?" and then silence. "Maybe I will find a way to take it back." I said it but had no idea where the words came from.

We headed to my house. Outside looked to be in order. Mali took in a deep breath as we walked to the door.

"I did a good job. No one has been here except Shelly."

I didn't respond. I already knew they had come to my house.

"You didn't tell me they came to see you." Mali's words faded as I clicked my lock. "I didn't know I had to."

She cleaned the house. Every device that was in my network had been taken.

"What did you do to make your house safe." I asked Mali, running my hands over my stuff then taking a seat at the table. We all have our own rituals. Mine always have to do with blood. Let's get what you need. It's not safe here."

I only have a few things I need. I shut the door to my room as I grabbed mothers' antique gun, my grandmother's jewelry box, and a few more clothes.

"You drive to your house." I said holding all my stuff in three large bags and a purse. I sat them on my lap the entire ride home while avoiding conversation with Mali.

Pulling into a parking area she said. "I promise you will have the top floor of building one. Liam has the top floor of building two. You have my word the top floor will be safe no one can hear you and I will not come in without your permission." There was a sizzle between us that started when she said, "I promise."

"What is that between us?" I asked.

"I don't know but it feels like spell work."

That one comment brought on so many questions. I ignored them, whatever energy I had from her faded and now I needed sleep real sleep. Who else stays in the building.

"No one. There are three floors. The entire top will be yours there are 6 units on the 2nd and 6 more on the first. Making 13 units."

I took the key card out of her hand and walked away. I didn't want to talk I was tired.

The big, beautiful building had an empty feeling. The apartment reminded me of a penthouse hotel suite. I looked around and thought of what I could do with space like this. Wide and lofty with no wall but some defined space. The window facing away from Mali faced the street and I did not expect the view. Her house sat on a subtle hill. Seeing the outside of this place startled me. Mali's was so closed off. Minimal furniture was placed like a hotel might. I bathe letting water run on me for an hour. The warm water reminded me of Mali's hands. Her perfect grips and whispers. The same ones that got me into this. I got out and rest.

The next morning, I woke on time knowing where I was and remembering that Mali was only available at night. After work Christy and I spoke briefly at the end of the day. I went to Mali's house and took a nap after sending a text.

"Can we talk tonight?"


Since I been here, I had not explored the outside area. The pool lay in back surrounded by the three buildings. Between the two three story buildings was an outside lounging area. I received a text about 15 mins after I woke.

"I will wait for you outside."

Making a sandwich for myself I finished up and headed out. I grabbed wine and two glasses. With all this wealth I had not saw one person in service to the house. It gave me a warm feeling then I remembered it's probably for her protection she is a vampire.

Mali had on her black set and her braids loose. She had the look of a vampire, excepted her skin had not the dulling down of a story. It was vivid and glowing, too even like a made up face. I was comparing her to every movie. Somehow, I was not fearful. I would not put her in the box tonight. I wanted to hear her story from her. 

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