Happy to be home

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Walking into my apartment was a relief. I laid on the sofa rethinking the night. Mali's scent lingered on my hands the smell made me smile.


Johnny's name lit up my phone snapping me out of a daze.

"You finally made it home. You were busy last night. The office is in an uproar, Boss lady is scared your quitting on us. Are you?"

"Hey J Good Morning to you too. Yes, yes everything is fine with me?" I said since he forgot a proper greeting. "No, I can't afford to quit. I didn't come in to work because I overslept."

"Well, you didn't leave the club until it closed what happened with you and Miss Mali afterward?"

The night before played back and vibration moved through me, slowing at my center.

"I got Something I been needing for a while. Listen I am starving, and I just made it home. Let me talk to you later."

"Okay but call in. They are really worried you're, the best they have."

"I know." Johnny couldn't know how his words would hit me. I was the best they had. They would still hire a stranger to supervise me. I decided I would not call in.

I did a quick check of my house surprised I had not done it when I walked in. The small kitchen painted white was neat and untouched. Peaking in both bedrooms then the office everything was in place. My room in disarray but everything appeared secured.

I drank a half gallon of water then cooked a steak and eggs. Running the treadmill expelled energy making me lighter. Every time I thought about my job, I ran a little faster, until my watch told me I ran record distance at record speed. I found myself cleaning like I was nesting for a new baby. Had a harsh conversation with the tow truck company . I spit out threats to call a lawyer, he quickly agreed that I could come and pick up my car.

"It's in perfect working condition." He claimed. It better be, and he better hope that I don't sue him for my time and inconvenience.

Pulling out a loose jumpsuit made from a clingy material I considered why I always dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. I loved clothes but always been afraid to admit that. My mom liked a low profile I stuck with it even if she was not here anymore.

After getting my car back I called my cousin to meet for lunch. Nikki was the only connection I had to my mother's family. My mother ran away from her mother when she was young and would allow no connection to them. When she got sick and passed, she asked that I not seek them out. I agreed, I would have agreed to anything in those moments and times. Years after she passed, I grew curious and took a D.N.A family search test. Only one person came up that was not related to my father, Nikki. Nikki's parents died when she was 3 years old. She grew up in the system, when she did her DNA test, she found her father's people. Only me on her mother's side. The company got in touch with both of us to ask if they could help find more family free of charge. We agreed that was two years ago and we have not heard back from them. Nikki and I looked like sisters and shared a quiet communication like siblings that grew up keeping secrets with each-other.

I arrived an hour early and grabbed a table outside. This was a favorite spot. It sat on the corner of a residential street. If you don't know about it, you wouldn't notice it. All day I twisted Mali's card around forcing myself to wait on calling her. Her voice was clear in my ear. "May I?" Flashes of the night before took my attention.

"Hey Key."

"Hey." I stumbled out and checked my watch. I had dazed off again.

"Hey cousin, you okay?"

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