"Gran, are you hiding something from me? Where have you been? We've been having problems in the kingdom since my parents left. Call me crazy but I feel like we've been left to go at it alone. Especially Ashford and Makay."

He squirmed. "It hurt your grandmother and me greatly, but we were told to stay out of it."

I chuckled. "You should see your face. You look so guilty." I walked up to him. "We will fix it, gran."

"I know you will, Mickey. Doesn't make it any easier. I've protected you your whole life, it's...."

"It's ok."

He nodded. "Let go."

"Doesn't this count as helping."

He smirked, then chuckled. "I'm only willing to go so far with that rule. You need me. Let's go."

We made it back to Shine's castle. We rushed to my room where Shane is.

My grandfather touched him then closed his eyes. "His brain is in a battle with his body. The human brain does all the healing for them, especially when they're asleep. His brain has.....checked out so to speak. Anything I do to his body won't matter if his brain is rejecting it. He will turn feral."

"Can't you do something, Armond, anything," Ashford is frantic. I felt a ping in my chest when I saw how much she cares for another man. But my warlock told me to stop being a pussy. I grunted.

"I could project into his body and talk to him, but he won't listen to me. He doesn't know me."

"What if you go in as me. He probably doesn't know what his brain has done. Go in as me, he'll listen to you then. He'll follow you out."

My grandad closed his eyes. A thin film looking particle left his body and went into Shane's body. Minutes later. Nothing. I could barely contain my warlock. He was itching to know something. Why would the universe stick me with a human for a mate? Fuck.

Suddenly gran came to. He quickly dropped his fangs with a snarl and bit Shane's neck. Shane gasped awake when gran latched onto his neck. When it looked like gran would drain Shane, he stopped and bit into his wrist. He dropped blood into Shane's mouth.

"It's done. Give him a while to adjust. He will be out for a while. Have blood for him when he wakes up." My grandpa looked at me. "Prepare yourself," he said then disappeared. I frowned.

As soon as he disappeared. A blast from the front of the castle shook the halls. I heard a roar. Fuck. I know that roar. I've heard it many times over the years.

My father is here. I walked to the front of the castle.


Ashford Pov

When Mickey walked to the front of the castle, I got a little nervous. His father sounded angry. We followed him to the front. When Mickey cleared the front. His father was there with rage on his face.

Mickey was picked up by an invisible force. He was slung through the courtyard doors and out into the garden patio.

"I leave you my kingdom and this is what you do with it. You little shit. I'll kill you." I looked at King Aeason, shocked, because I've never seen his warlock. Not this close up. But his blood red eyes and snarly voice is undoing some of the sweet thoughts I've ever had of him.

Aeason zipped to him in a blur. He picked Mickey up and threw him to the other side of the courtyard. His back hit the wall. "You lose my kingdom to an inferior fucking race. You attack your sister. You damn near kill everyone around you. All for you not to merge with him. What's the matter with you? I've prepared you for this."

The Outlands (Sequel to Elven King Mistress)Where stories live. Discover now