chapter 8

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a group of gally's boys dropped thomas onto the floor, and held the two girls in the sidelines. "this is such a waste." minho spoke out, visibly annoyed while watching the scene unfold. "and you're banishing someone who has been here longer as well." he said, as he chuckled at gally's bruises.

"gally." winston called, gaining gally's attention. "this doesn't feel right, man." he stated, throwing his arms up.

"yeah , what if thomas is right? maybe he can lead us home." jeff argued, not wanting what was about to unfold happen.

"we are home." gally spoke up.

"i've been here since we had nothing. now we have nothing again. so is it really worth it?" aviana asked emotionless, earning a glare from Gally, leading to her shrugging in defense.

"look aviana, i don't know what thomas has gotten into your mind, but this isn't just a coincidence. i know you feel it too avi." gally argued, walking in front of the crowd to start. thomas put up a struggle with who was holding him when he called aviana the nickname he used.

"you really think banishing us, will solve anything?" teresa asked, staring down gally in the eye.

"no." gally paused, making eye contact with newt. "this isn't a banishing. it's an offering." he finished. as if practiced, the boys holding teresa and aviana pulled them near the poles, and began tying them up.

"what-what? gally? what are you doing?" teresa said, while aviana completely silent even when they slammed her hands against the pole.

"you really think I'm going to let thomas back into the maze, after what he's done?" gally growled, as the boys tied the final knot of aviana's hands. "look around you. look at our Glade." he spoke, showcasing the ruined area. smoke, burnt trees and grass, ruined the beautiful scenery.

newt sent a hand sign towards minho, who nodded. "this is the only way. and when the grievers come and get what they came here for, everything goes back to the way it was." gally manipulated the crowd, while chuck slowly walked over trying not to get noticed with a backpack full of supplies on his back.

"are you listening to this? why are you all just standing there, he's crazy." teresa insulted, earning a glare from gally.

"you shut up." gally barked back, as aviana moved slightly to see that her feet restraints were undone.

"if you stay here, the grievers will kill you all." aviana said, hearing people shuffle their feet around nervously. "you're sacrificing some of the people who can actually, kill, a griever." Neera continued, before gally grabbed her by the chin. thomas thrashed against his holders.

"don't touch her!" he seethed, as the rest kept their cover.

"shut up! damn shank! tie him up!" he ordered the boys who held thomas. it took them a moment, before gally shouted the order once more, "do you hear me? tie him up!"

as they lifted him up, thomas elbowed one of them in the stomach and stabbed the other with a stick. on cue, aviana lifted up her legs to kick the boy in front of her, in the stomach, and tripped the other. newt took out his knife and hit the boy coming towards aviana, then sliced of her hand restraints. teresa kicked a boy in the area where teresa, minho put a machete to his neck. frypan helped teresa out of her restraints, while chuck ran over with the supplies.

aviana stood next to thomas back to back, staring down anyone who looked suspicious. they all slowly made their way towards the door, cautiously. "you're full of surprises, aren't you?" gally said irritated, watching them as they neared the exit.

"you don't have to come with us, but we are leaving. anyone else who wants to come, now's your last chance." thomas encouraged the others, some scared to move.

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